Estimation of the elastic modulus of basaltic rocks using …

The elastic modulus of basalt is a significant engineering parameter required for many projects. Therefore, a total of 137 datasets of basalts from Digor-Kilittasi, Turkey, were …

CO 2 Sequestration in Basalt: Carbonate Mineralization …

The bulk modulus for the water-saturated sample is computed from the measured CO. 2-saturated bulk modulus using Gassmann's relation, and this bulk modulus estimate is converted back into a P-wave velocity. Using the measured dry bulk modulus to estimate the Gassmann water-saturated bulk modulus gives similar results as when using the ...

Experimental investigation of basalt rocks as storage …

bulk density at room temperature (kg/m 3) T. temperature (°C) ΔL/L o. linear thermal expansion. ... basalt rock can likely be suitable for the application of thermal energy storage. Some research works reported the data of physical properties of basalt and other CSP TES materials at ambient temperature. ... [52], when the Young's modulus of ...

Characterization and correlation of engineering properties of …

Basalts are a common lithology found beneath Lisbon and are the predominant rocks of the Volcanic Complex of Lisbon (CVL) (72 Myr). These basalts exhibit variable texture and composition. Given the vast extent of the CVL, which encompasses Lisbon and its surroundings, and the establishment of several present and future engineering works upon this …

Geomechanical rock properties of a basaltic volcano

Figure 9. (A) Static Young's Modulus plotted against the sample strength for all but the cyclically loaded samples. The results show that samples with higher Young's Modulus fail at higher stress, and typically deformation at a higher rate of 10 −1 s −1 results in a higher apparent Young's Modulus.

Mechanical behavior of basalt fibers in a basalt-UP composite

Given the variability of the results and the resin distribution on the specimens produced by RTM further study must be performed on the manufacturing methods used in IST in order to produce better specimens. Finally the results of the Young’s modulus place the basalt fibers in between E-Glass fiber composites and Carbon fiber composites.

Frequency and fluid effects on elastic properties of …

elastic properties (bulk modulus) of a basalt rock. Measure-ments have been performed in the pressure range of 0– 200 MPa, both for low frequency (0.01–0.1 Hz) and high frequency (1 MHz). 2. Sample Description and Experimental Set-Up [5] Iceland is an offshore part of the mid-Atlantic spread-ing ridge. It is an ideal laboratory to study the ...

Limits on strength and deformation properties of jointed basaltic rock

A study of strength and deformation measurements for basaltic rocks, along with consideration of the influence of fracturing using a rock mass classification system, documents the range of brittle response for basaltic rock masses. Although basalts vary widely in composition and other physical factors, many of the properties of a basaltic rock mass appear to vary within a factor of about …

The Basalt Fiber

The strength performance of basalt fibers improves, compared to glass fibers, with increasing temperature. The elastic modulus of basalt fibers is comparable to that of glass fibers, higher compared to E-type but lower compared to S-type. Elongation at break values is higher compared to carbon fiber but lower compared to glass one (Table 1.1).

Frequency and fluid effects on elastic properties of basalt

This new technique allow us to investigate the effect of frequency dependence on the elastic properties (bulk modulus) of a basalt rock. Measurements have been performed in the pressure range of 0–200 MPa, both for low frequency (0.01–0.1 Hz) and high frequency (1 MHz). 2. Sample Description and Experimental Set-Up

Bulk Modulus

K sat1 is the bulk modulus of a porous rock saturated with fluid-1 (bulk modulus K f1), K sat2 is the rock bulk modulus saturated with fluid-2 ... between magma and the surrounding mantle rocks controls the magma distribution in the interiors. For example, alkali basalt magma is less dense than asthenosphere rocks, but it is denser than ...

Bulk modulus for fluid-saturated rocks at high frequency: modification

where K sat-hf is the unrelaxed saturated bulk modulus which we seek, that is the saturated bulk modulus at high frequency, V is the total volume of the rock, K 0 is defined earlier, that is the bulk modulus of rock mineral matrix, V c and V s are the volumes of the soft and stiff pores, respectively, and ΔV c and ΔV s are the stress-induced ...

Elastic laboratory measurements and modeling of saturated …

The bulk and shear moduli of basalts saturated with liquid CO 2 are not frequency dependent, suggesting that fluid pore pressures are in equilibrium between 2 Hz and 0.8 MHz. …

Estimation of the elastic modulus of basaltic rocks using …

The elastic modulus of basalt is a signicant engineering parameter required for many projects. Therefore, a total of 137 ... dynamic elasticity modulus and rock bulk density parameters for regression analyses and ANN. Khosravi et al. (2022) conducted a study to evaluate the ... Basalt is a type of rock that can be easily cored samples,

Basalt Rock

The density of basalt is very high, the density of basalt can be seen through the combination of the porosity of the rock, i.e., 0.1 – 1% and its bulk density is 2.8 – 3 Mg aka megagram per meter cube; It is because about 50 per cent of basalt is made of silica.

Evaluation of depth-dependent porosity and bulk modulus …

By using the in situ permeability data of a basalt rock mass with shears, the change in permeability of the shear is estimated, which has been utilized to calculate the porosity and bulk modulus at different depths. The results clearly show that the porosity decreases with depth while the bulk modulus increases with depth.

Elastic laboratory measurements and modeling of …

Modeling with Gassmann's equations predicts the measured saturated rock bulk modulus for all fluids for frequencies below 20 Hz but underpredicts the water-saturated basalt bulk modulus...


Type of rock; Porosity; Grain size; Water content; Value of modulus of elasticity can be determined by static or dynamic methods. Higher value of modulus of elasticity indicates good quality rock having sound composition. Typical values of modulus of elasticity of some common are given in the table below. Modulus of Elasticity of Some Common Rocks

(a) Bulk-moduli (solid symbols) and shear-moduli (open …

Download scientific diagram | (a) Bulk-moduli (solid symbols) and shear-moduli (open symbols) data on a basalt sample with porosity of 13.5% and permeability of 0.15 mD. Samples are measured at ...

Mechanical Properties and Damage Evolution Characteristics …

To explore the mechanical properties and damage characteristics of basalt under high temperature and high pressure, triaxial compression tests are conducted on thermal damage rock samples, and the evolution process from progressive damage to macroscopic failure of rock is tracked and quantified by CT image reconstruction and acoustic emission technology. The …

Frequency and fluid effects on elastic properties of basalt

To investigate the impact of strain amplitude on the bulk modulus of different rock types, we performed hydrostatic oscillations to induce strain amplitudes from 10–6 to 10–4 on the samples at ...

Open Access proceedings Journal of Physics: Conference …

original rock composition, individually on the basis of an amount of required acidity modulus (Ma = 3,6-5,2). The higher an acidity index is, the higher an acid resistance and fiber's strength properties ... hyperthermal basalt rock inclusions (quartzites, mica, magnesites and others which has higher melting temperature), eutectics state assur;

Rock Physics

The bulk modulus of rock saturated with a fluid is related to the bulk modulus of the dry rock and vice versa ... Basalt Dolomite Glass Beads Limestone Rock Salt Elastic Modulus / Mineral Modulus Clean Sandstone Porosity/Critical Porosity 0 20 40 60 80 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


shear modulus (G ref) is unchanged by the pore fluids, which in our case are represented by air and water. The bulk modulus of the pore space is a weighted harmonic mean of the bulk moduli of the pore constituents (Gassmann, 1951). When the two pore constituents are water and air, the bulk modulus of the pore space fluids (K fl) can be ...

Rock mass properties

Engineers need to know how rocks and rock masses deform when subject to the various loads associated with engineering structures. Deformation can take the form of settlements of …

Empirical relations between rock strength and physical …

indicate that dynamic modulus in dry rock is similar to, or higher than (roughly up to twice depending on rock types), the static modulus (Rzhevsky and Novick, 1971; Ramana and Venkatanarayana, 1973; Cheng and Johnston, 1981; Fjaer, 1999). The main factor that causes the frequency-dependence of moduli is the presence of pore fluid trapped in ...

Young's Modulus for chosen rocks. | Download Table

The shear modulus and bulk modulus are dependent on Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio, and are thus considered as the most important role in solving geomechanical problems (Hoek and Diederichs ...

Elastic Laboratory Measurements and Modeling of Saturated …

However, when samples are water saturated, the bulk modulus of the rock is frequency dependent. Modeling with Gassmann's equations predicts the measured saturated rock bulk modulus for all fluids for frequencies below 20 Hz but underpredicts the water-saturated basalt bulk modulus for frequencies greater than 20 Hz.

Bulk modulus of silicate glasses at various pressures

Table 2 shows the bulk modulus of the studied basalt glass, tahilite (Bridgman 1925), nepheline glass 0.25Na 2 O±0.25Al 2 O 3 ±0.5SiO 2 (Halleck et al. 1986), glass of composition 0.3Na 2 O±0 ...