Performance evaluation of shale gas processing and NGL recovery plant

DOI: 10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103517 Corpus ID: 225006922; Performance evaluation of shale gas processing and NGL recovery plant under uncertainty of the feed composition @article{Mukherjee2020PerformanceEO, title={Performance evaluation of shale gas processing and NGL recovery plant under uncertainty of the feed composition}, author={Rajib Mukherjee …

Natural Gas Data

Natural gas plant processing; Release date: October 31, 2024 U.S. and state level statistics for natural gas processed, total liquids extracted, extraction loss. Annual; Plant-level location and capacity; Release date: January 31, 2019 ; Plant-level location and capacity information for all natural gas processing plants in the United States.

Advancements and Environmental Implications in Oil Shale

Oil shale is a type of sedimentary rock that contains organic matter known as kerogen, which can be converted into liquid hydrocarbons through thermal processing. It is …

Queensland oil shale plant upgrade sought | Oil & Gas Journal

The plant has produced at 37-40 b/d of synthetic crude and high quality ultralow-sulfur diesel and aviation fuel. QER has not yet revealed the expected production rate of its proposed commercial ...

New gas processing plant opens in West ia, two …

The completed processing plant and the one under construction will each have a production capacity of 200 million cubic feet of gas a day and will process shale gas to produce propane, butane and ethane. The amount of gas that the new plant will process is sufficient to supply a five-figure number of families and businesses.

and the Liquefaction Process

the U.S. currently has an estimated 100-year supply of shale gas. The process of liquefying natural gas is comparatively new and was only discovered in 1820. The first LNG plant was …

Shale: Composition, Formation, Uses, Types – Geology In

Shale formation is a geological process that results in the development of sedimentary rocks characterized by a fine-grained texture, laminated structure, and distinct mineralogical composition. ... plants, invertebrates, and occasionally vertebrates. The preservation of fossils in shale can be excellent due to the fine-grained matrix and ...

Performance evaluation of shale gas processing and NGL recovery plant

Typical shale gas processing and NGL recovery plants contain five major sections (Al-Sobhi and Elkamel, 2015; Bahadori, 2014; Mokhatab and Poe, 2012). This is shown in Fig. 4. Shale gas as obtained from well contain varied amounts of CO 2 and H 2 S as impurities, that primarily causes freezing and corrosion of downstream processing units. An ...

Oil Shale Processing

Shale oil processing is defined as an industrial process to which raw shale oil is subjected to extract oil from it—basically a process to produce unconventional oil [1]. Because shale oil …

Oil Shale Processing, Chemistry, and Technology

In this pyrolysis or retorting process, the organic matter is converted to oil (termed retort oil, shale oil, shale crude oil), gas (typically called retort gas), and solid residue (typically …

Oil Shale Processing, Chemistry and Technology | SpringerLink

Another example is the EGL Oil Shale process in which heat is transferred by superheated steam (in a closed system) ... Wang WD, Zhou CY (2009) Retorting of pulverized oil shale in fluidized-bed pilot plant. Oil Shale 26:108–113. Google Scholar Watson NC (1984) A modified Gray-King assay method for small oil shale samples. Fuel 63:1455–1458

Processing Solutions Enable Economic Development Of Shale …

In the Eagle Ford Shale, an operator was aware that he had to process up to 600 MMcf/d of gas within two years (Figure 4). The operator partnered with the equipment supplier to make certain he could achieve this without consuming the time it …


The thermal processing of oil shale produces shale oil, phenols and lower calorific value gas. Processing is done using two technologies: Kiviter (a generator device) technology is based on vertical cylindrical retorts in which the shale oil in fixed grain size (25-125 mm) used as input moves by the force of gravity along the central section of ...

New gas processing plant opens in West …

The completed processing plant and the one under construction will each have a production capacity of 200 million cubic feet of gas a day and will process shale gas to produce propane, butane and ethane. The amount of …

Natural Gas Liquids Recovery Plants | A Linde …

Linde has designed and produced modular gas processing plants worldwide for over forty years. We deliver completely pre-engineered, modularized standard natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery plants covering the wide range of gas …

Optimized Design of Shale Gas Processing and NGL Recovery Plant …

In this study, this uncertainty in shale gas feed flow rate and composition is addressed while designing a shale gas processing and NGL recovery plant. First, different shale gas flow rates are chosen over a period of shale gas well life based on the …

Enriched Uranium technology at the Sillamäe oil shale processing plant

Shale Processing Plant at Sillam äe (then P.O.B. P-6685) was decided on . March 24, 1980. The factory had to rec ondition for high tem perature opera-

Shale Processing Plant

Shale Processing Plant. Shale is a fine-grained, clastic sedimentary rock composed of mud that is a mix of flakes of clay minerals and tiny fragments (silt-sized particles) of other minerals, especially quartz and calcite. ... Shale is characterized by breaks along thin laminae or p . Get price Leave message. info@yfmac +86-371-64628852 ...

Minister on new plant: Will €350 million investment go to a …

The Minister of Finance Mart Võrklaev (Reform), who is also the state's representative in Eesti Energia, the company constructing the new shale oil processing plant in Auvere, said that the state will try to get the almost-finished plant up and running for even a short period of time, so as to avoid squandering the nearly €350 million investment.

oil shale

oil shale, any sedimentary rock containing various amounts of solid organic material that yields petroleum products, along with a variety of solid by-products, when subjected to pyrolysis—a …

Marcellus/Utica Operations

Marcellus/Utica Operations. MPLX operates five complexes in the Marcellus shale, including processing, gathering and C2+ fractionation at the Houston Complex in Pennsylvania; processing and de-ethanization at the Majorsville Complex in West ia; processing and de-ethanization at the Mobley Complex in West ia; processing and de-ethanization at the Sherwood …

Enefit280 Oil Shale Processing Plant

Process oil shale into oil and gas with Enefit technology while utilizing the energy of spent shale to generate electricity. This highly efficient circulating fluidized bed (CFB) incineration process reduces total organic carbon in the ash to zero.

Smith Twp Residents Say They Have Enough Processing Plants

Graves-Marcucci asked supervisors to start rewriting their zoning ordinance to allow the compressor stations and cryogenic plants used to process the natural gas from the Utica and Marcellus shale plays only in portions of the township that are zoned for industrial land use.

Performance Evaluation of Shale Gas Processing and NGL Recovery Plant

The shale gas boom in recent years has raised the prospect of using heavier alkanes in dry reforming reactions, since shale gas reserves that are typically rich in natural gas liquids (NGLs) can ...

Oil Shale

Fossil fuels developed from the remains of algae, spores, plants, pollen, and a variety of other organisms that lived millions of years ago in ancient lakes, ... Extracting and processing shale oil is an expensive and difficult process. Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are less expensive to extract. Australia, Brazil, Switzerland, Sweden, Spain ...


The process of manufacturing brick begins with the selective mining of clay and shale. This material is hauled from our mines to the plant to be processed. Processing Raw Materials. ... Various clays and shale naturally produce different colors.

Oil Shale Processing, Chemistry, and Technology

Through the long history of oil shale utilization, ex situ (above the ground or surface) retorting technologies have been practically the only commercial technology for oil production from oil shale. In ex situ processing, the oil shale must be mined (using surface mining or underground mining), crushed, and transported to the processing plant ...

Optimal design and synthesis of shale gas processing and …

As midstream infrastructure in the shale gas value chain, shale gas processing plants separate valuable constituents, such as natural gas liquids (NGL), from raw shale gas feedstocks, and remove the undesired constituents to meet product specifications in the downstream distribution network. Multiple technology alternatives have been developed ...

Shale Gas to Ethylene (G1)

Due to the size of the immense reserves in the Marcellus shale and the void of natural gas processing plants, a large volume plant would be demanded to cope with the rising number of shale wells. Current liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in the northeast can process 60,000 barrels per day (bpd) while production of gas from the Marcellus shale ...

Shale | Properties, Composition, Formation, Uses

Although the shale is normally gray, it may be black if it contains too much carbon material. Approximately 95% of the organic matter in the sedimentary rock is found in shale or mud. Shale is created by a process …