Measurement of air content of pulp suspension

Measurement of air content of pulp suspension – sonar method TUOMAS STOOR*, ARI ÄMMÄLÄ** & JOUKO NIINIMÄKI*** *researcher, **senior researcher, ***professor Fibre and particle engineering laboratory PO Box 4300, FIN-90014 University of Oulu FINLAND Keywords: gas content, speed of sound, micro bubbles, macro bubbles Abstract Gases have negative …

Stem cells and the dental pulp: potential roles in dentine …

The postnatal dental pulp contains a variety of potential progenitor/stem cells, which may participate in dental regeneration. A population of multipotent mesenchymal progenitor cells known as dental pulp stem cells with high proliferative potential for self-renewal has been described and may be important to the regenerative capacity of the tissue.

Surface layers in base metal sulphide flotation

Note the appearance of the clean pyrite signal near 707eV at the normal air-set pulp potential of +200mV. I I 704.0 700.0 Other examples of the detection of increased pyrite exposure have been found in Eh adjustment of the pulp solution for Elura between -400mV and +400inV. Pyrite exposure increases systematically from -400mV to +200mV but is ...

Development of Emission Factors for Pulp and Paper …

Development of Emission Factors for Pulp and Paper Mill Sources John E. Pinkerton NCASI P.O. Box 13318 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3318 ... method detection limits and with potential outliers are discussed. The summary and background information for each emission data set that is made available to prospective users is enumerated. INTRODUCTION

A brief review of pulp potentials in sulfide flotation

In a laboratory Eh measurement in aqueous pyrrhotite suspensions, Natarajan and Iwasaki (1972) observed that the Eh measured by a platinum electrode on prolonged aeration with oxygen followed the relation: Eh =E a −0.059 pH where E a was 0.85 V in oxygenated acid solutions and 0.95 V in oxygenated alkaline solutions. The thermodynamic potential for …

Pulp Potential and Its Implications to Sulfide …

Pulp pH and potential play important roles in the flotation of pyrite. Control of pH determines surface species formed on the mineral whereas solution potential favours the oxidation of xanthate ...


the market potential for sisal pulp as reinforcing fibre in commodity papers. ... To eliminate air in the reactor, the inside pressure was decreased below zero, ... The target bleached pulp brightness was set at 80-85% ISO brightness or higher. Cooking Results Cooking conditions for both soda and soda-AQ cooks and

Effect of pulp potential on the flotation of a sulfide …

replace air in flotation. Sulfidization requires pulp potential control to keep this parameter in the range of 0 to + f 00 m V, yielding high copper recoveries at minimum collector (90 g/t) andfrother (60 g/t) dosages. Flotation with nitrogen reduces the sodium sulfide dosages required to keep the pulp potential within the optimum range.

The flotation of metallic arsenic as a function of pH and pulp potential — A single mineral study

The pulp potential is then raised to the air-set potential by changing the flotation gas to air and the chalcopyrite and bornite are floated. The pH remains at pH 12. The froth …

Control of Non-Ferrous Metal-Sulfide Minerals' Flotation via …

Studies on the dependence of the technological results of non-ferrous sulfide ore (copper—arsenic-bearing and non-arsenic-bearing—lead–zinc, and polymetallic) flotation on …

Three Energy Efficiency Measures for a Pulp & Paper Mill

Introduction Recently, this major pulp & paper mill made compressed air optimization a mill-wide priority. At the request of the utility company providing energy to the mill, Compression Energy Services performed a comprehensive energy analysis that outlined the following four energy efficiency measures (EEM's) for the mill to consider. EEM #1: A …

A New Approach to Selectively Reject Naturally Hydrophobic …

When the pulp potential increased to about 50 mV (SHE), as shown in reactions to (), the iron in the top layer begins to oxidize and form a monolayer of Fe 2 O 3 or Fe(OH) 3, with copper and sulphur remaining unoxidized as a phase designated as CuFe 1-x S 2 and CuS 2 *.These metal-deficient and sulphur-rich species are hydrophobic and responsible for the …

Flotation and depression control of arsenopyrite through pH and pulp

At the concentration of 0.4 g∗ton−1 at alkaline pH and a pulp potential of +0.067 V, in 0.5 min, its flotation was 15.4 % w/w and the cumulative recovery at 10 min was 46.4 % w/w. ... Two sets of flotation experiments were carried out. In the first set, flotation of arsenic was determined as a function of pH using 30 and 60 g/ton pure ...

Potential of bleached eucalyptus kraft pulp for applications …

The pulp sheets were dry defibrated at different defibration intensities and the performance of the resulting pulps in fluff pulp applications was studied. The air-laid fiber networks of softwood ...

Pulp potential and floatability of chalcopyrite | Request PDF

The pulp potential reduced with the decrease of the particle size; chalcopyrite could float well in a wide pulp potential range and the content of pyrrhotite in copper concentrate decreased with ...

A review of copper–arsenic mineral removal from copper concentrates

Air or nitrogen would be fed automatically as required to maintain the pulp potential to a set level. 8. Flowsheets. There have been four flowsheets developed to separate copper–arsenic minerals from copper minerals. ... Tails from stage 3 are floated at the air-set potential using air and chalcopyrite-bornite is floated off.

Importance of Zeta Potential to the Paper …

The Malvern Panalytical Zetasizer makes the measurement of zeta potential simple, fast and reproducible. The zeta potential of pulp and other particles in the process may vary for a number of reasons, e.g. changes in …

Potential Controlled Flotation | SpringerLink

Potential controlled flotation is an enhanced flotation method that increases the flotation efficiency of sulfide ore by regulating the pulp potential. Since the 1980s, researchers …

The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique …

The role of pulp potential and the sulphidization technique in the recovery of sulphide and oxide copper minerals from a complex ore ... Flotation was carried out at an impeller speed of 1500 r/min and air flow rate of 7 L/s. ... two different sulphidization techniques were investigated. The first set of sulphidization tests used slug ...

Potential of Pili Pulp (Canarium ovatum Engl) as …

Potential of Pili Pulp (Canariu m ovatum Engl) as Feed Supplement for Quail Layers John Val Cleo J. Ultra 1, Ma ria Isabel Lagrimas 1, Rosille Balbin-Ultra 2, Flor die U. Lao 3, Venecio

Pulpal response to different pulp capping methods after pulp …

Two hundred sixteen teeth from mixed-bred dogs were used in this study.The teeth were divided into three groups,A) pulpal exposure by air-abrasion followed by sealing of the cavity with Liner Bond IITM, B) pul-pal exposure by air-abrasion and Ca(OH)2 pulp capping and C) pulpal exposure by high-speed followed by air-abrasion and Ca(OH)2 pulp ...

Froth Flotation of Chalcopyrite/Pyrite Ore: A …

The factors that most influence the transfer of electrons from the more anodic to the more cathodic material are the pulp potential, temperature [6,7 ... The flotation time was set at 3 min. Figure 31 shows that throughout …

Characterization of Annual Air Emissions Reported by Pulp …

The pulp and paper industry is a major contributor to water and air pollution globally. Pulp and paper processing is an intensive energy consuming process that produces multiple contaminants that pollute water, air, and affect ecological and human health. In Canada, the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is used to assess the release of air pollutants …

Activated carbon prepared from coffee pulp: Potential …

Activated carbon prepared from coffee pulp: potential. ... at 950 W C in air atmosphere with a heating rate of. ... Most of these methods suffer from limitations such as being difficult to set up ...

Effect of sodium sulfide additions on the pulp potential and …

ELSEVIER Int. J. Miner. Process. 55 (1999) 157–170 Effect of sodium sulfide additions on the pulp potential and amyl xanthate flotation of cerussite and galena R. Herrera-Urbina a,1, F.J. Sotillo b, D.W. Fuerstenau a,* a University of California at Berkeley, Department of Materials Science and Mineral Engineering, Hearst Mining Building, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA b Per …

TB790 Evaluation of the EPA-Recommended Approach …

AIR EMISSIONS FROM PULP AND PAPER INDUSTRY LANDFILLS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides guidance for predicting air emissions ... developed as a quick method for screening potential methane and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. To compute the ...

The flotation of gersdorffite in sulphide nickel systems — A …

The relationship between gersdorffite flotation and pulp potential at pH 9 is shown in Fig. 4 as a plot of mineral recovery at 8 min against pulp potential. The air-set potential for this system was about. + 200 mV SHE at pH 9.. The data indicate that the strong response seen at the air-set potential extends to more oxidising conditions up to + 400 mV SHE.

Measurement of air content of pulp suspension – sonar …

Sonar measurement technique measures volumetric percent of entrained air in the pulp suspension. The amount of entrained air/gas is determined measuring the sound speed, or speed at which sound propagates, through the process medium. Measurement is based on patented array processing . BI0201 Rev. A – University of Oulu 2006

Further Results on the Effects of the Grinding Environment …

With air commonly used as the carrier gas in flotation, the minerals in the pulp are normally subjected to uninhibited aeration during flotation and most sulphide flotation plants …

Pulp potential and floatability of chalcopyrite

The flotation results indicated that natural chalcopyrite floated in the pulp potential range of −0.087 to +0.2 V ... The images of the air bubble and mineral surface were projected on a flat screen by a slide projector and the contact angle was measured on the screen. The potential applied on the mineral electrode was produced by a CMS 105 ...