The Current Status of Cyanide Regulations

The plaintiff did not get a second chance, and the Montana cyanide ban effectively halted the gold mine that had been planned. In Colorado, Summit County enacted an ordinance banning cyanide or other toxic/acidic chemicals in leaching operations for all zoning districts in the county. The state mining association brought action in state court.

Risk management approach for cyanides

4.2.1 Metal mining. Sodium cyanide (NaCN; CAS RN 143-33-9) is used mainly as an extraction agent for precious metals (for example, gold, silver) and to a lesser degree for base metals, and as a result, free cyanide and precursors of free cyanide may be released in the effluent of metal mining facilities that use it.

Pogo Gold Mine

The Pogo Mine is a large gold mine located in Interior Alaska, which produces around 400,000 ounces of gold per year. This mine is one of the largest producers of mining waste in Alaska, and one of the largest mercury polluters in the country. Mine Information. Pogo Mine began production in 2006 with an anticipated operating life of 10 years.

Gold mine failure spills cyanide into Yukon River subtributary

A massive rockslide initially attributed to equipment failure has dumped enough cyanide into a subtributary of the Yukon River to fill over 120 Olympic-sized swimming pools. …

Fort Knox Gold Mine Cyanide Water Spill

Fort Knox Gold Mine, Fairbanks, Alaska Time/Date The spill occurred at approximately 8:30 PM on May 4, 2010. Fort Knox Gold Mine notified ADEC via the Alaska State Troopers at approximately 9:49 PM on May 4, 2010. Spill Id 10309912402 Product/ Quantity The process water spill occurred within the ore processing facility.

Alaska: Cyanide water spill at Fairbanks gold mine

Alaska officials say about 45,000 gallons of cyanide water solution spilled at the Fort Knox Gold Mine near Fairbanks after a bulldozer damaged a buried pipeline. State Environmental Conservation Department spokesman Ty Keltner says a heavy equipment operator discovered the spill Thursday night and the mine quickly reported it to the state. Keltner says …

A Canadian gold mine spill raises fears among …

Officials say cyanide pollution at Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine poses no health risks to Alaskans. But advocates worry it could compound a yearslong salmon crisis on the Yukon River — and should draw new attention to …


cyanide containing solution to the material placed on the heap. The solution is collected and processed through carbon in-pulp columns located next to the mill for gold recovery. Then, the cyanide solution, which is barren of gold, is recycled and re-applied to the heap to leach out more gold. Barnes Creek Valley Heap Leach Facility (BCHLF)

Cyanide spill possible at Yukon gold mine says company

Yukon gold mine at risk of cyanide discharge says company managing clean up By Sara Connors. Nov 26, 2024 . The company managing the takeover of the Eagle Gold Mine on …


Cyanide use in mining Gold typically occurs at very low concentrations in ores – less than 10 g/ton. The most used process for gold extraction is hydrometallurgical recovery (gold cyanidation), which involves a "leaching" step during which the gold is …

The Cyanide Code

The Cyanide Code. The "International Cyanide Management Code For the Manufacture, Transport, and Use of Cyanide In the Production of Gold" (Cyanide Code) is a voluntary, performance driven, certification program of best practices for the management of cyanide in gold and silver mining. Participation is open to gold and silver mining companies, manufacturers of …

Mine Tailings

This tailings impoundment dam at the Fort Knox gold mine in Alaska is a common method of storing mining waste ... such as the cyanide used in gold mining, remain in the tailings at the end of the process, and may leach …

Gold Mine Effluent Treatment: Cyanide Compounds and …

The gold-mining industry commonly uses the cyanide process to recover gold from complex ore. During the gold cyanidation process, cyanide bearing water will react with sulfide in the ore to form ...

Can gold miners say 'sayonara' to cyanide?

A highly toxic chemical that can be dangerous to humans and wildlife, cyanide use at gold mining operations provokes concern in many jurisdictions. In fact, it was in response to a damaging spill from a tailings pond …

2017 Pogo Plan of Operations

contiguous mining claims. All are Alaska State mining claims. The Pogo claims adjoin, and are contiguous with, the Pogo Upland Mining Lease (ADL 674057). The Pogo and Faith claims are located in the following townships and ranges of the Fairbanks Meridian: T6S, R14E, sections 1-4, 9-15, 22-25, and 36 T5S, R14E, sections 13-16, 21-28, and 33-36

Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining

Gold mining is one of the most destructive industries in the world. It can displace communities, contaminate drinking water, hurt workers, and destroy pristine environments. It pollutes water and land with mercury and cyanide, endangering the health of people and ecosystems. Producing gold for one wedding ring alone generates 20 tons of waste.

A Canadian gold mine spill raises fears among …

Officials say cyanide pollution at Victoria Gold's Eagle Mine poses no health risks to Alaskans. But advocates worry it could compound a yearslong salmon crisis on the Yukon …

Nabesna Gold Mine

The Nabesna Gold Mine, on the northern slopes of the Wrangell Mountains, was a profitable operation driven by one man, Carl F. Whitham. ... In 1925, after three years of prospecting on the mountain, Whitham found one of the richest gold veins ever reported in Alaska. Four years later, to raise capital, he organized the Nabesna Mining ...

Microbial destruction of cyanide wastes in gold mining …

commercially demonstrated in the gold mining indus-try at the Homestake Gold Mine, USA in the middle 1980s (Mudder & Whitlock 1984). Several other in-vestigations of the microbial destruction of cyanide have been reportedincludinglaboratory,pilot andfull-scale facilities (Adams et al. 2001, Akcil et al. 2003, Atkinson 1975, Barclay et al. 1998 ...

Assessing Potential Health Impacts of Cyanide …

Gold mining in Asia utilizes cyanide to extract gold from ores, and the resulting cyanide-contaminated mine tailings are disposed of in a tailing storage facility (TSF). Nevertheless, several incidents of leakage of cyanide-contaminated water from TSFs have been reported. This study examined the source and assessed health risk of mysterious cyanide …

Alaska Metal Mines

Introduction. Metal mining is the leading source of toxic releases in Alaska.¹ Uncontrolled mine waste, as well as the processing chemicals used to extract the ore, can be a significant source of pollution to the water, land and air. There are five major operating mines in Alaska: Red Dog zinc-lead mine, Fort Knox gold mine, Pogo gold mine, Kensington gold mine …

Gold Cyanidation

Cyanide (CN), a single carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom, has proved extremely useful in extracting gold from ore. However, with a toxic reputation dating back to the Holocaust, its …

Cyanide and removal options from effluents in gold mining …

The Cyanide Code is being implemented at 133 gold mines including companies that collectively produce approximately 60% of the world's commercially-mined gold, 20 cyanide production and repackaging facilities and 105 transport operations in 48 countries throughout the world; and 173 of these already have been certified in compliance (ICMI 2012).

Cyanide glitters for some

Gold mines use a number of processes to turn cyanide into the less hazardous cyanate. Treatment options include hydrogen peroxide and peroxymonosulfuric acid, also known as Caro's acid.

Yukon partially takes over Victoria Gold mine cyanide spill …

Four million tonnes of cyanide-laced rocks collapsed on June 24 at an outdoor heap-leach facility at the Eagle gold mine in central Yukon operated by Victoria Gold. Two million tonnes of material ...

Cyanide Vat Leaching

Gold Cyanidation in Alaska . While cyanide is not used at the . recently-opened Kensington Mine, it would be used at the proposed Donlin Creek Mine, and most likely as well at the proposed Pebble Mine. Cyanide is already in use at the large mines of Greens Creek, Fort Knox, Nixon Fork, and Pogo, in addition to the majority of smaller

Livengood Gold Project, Fairbanks, Alaska State, USA

The Livengood gold project is estimated to hold 391.7 million tonnes (Mt) of proven and probable reserves, graded at 0.71g/t Au. It is expected to contain 8.973 million ounces (Moz) of gold. Mining at Livengood gold project. The Livengood gold mine will employ conventional open-pit mining methods, involving a drill-blast-load-haul operation ...

Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. Cyanide Water Spill

Fairbanks Gold Mining, Inc. estimates that approximately 45,000 gallons of cyanide water solution were released onto the mine roadway of the heap leach operation. Much of the spill area overlies the lined area of the heap leach pile, which is a tailings impoundment of materials that will be treated with the cyanide water solution. Cause

Regulations on Cyanide Use in Gold Mining

The Cyanide Code After the Aural Mine spill in Romania, an international group of stakeholders created the International Cyanide Management Code for the Manufacture, Transport and Use of Cyanide in the Production of Gold (Cyanide Code).. An independent third party assesses a company's compliance with the Cyanide Code in a publicly-available audit.

Kensington Gold Mine

The Kensington Gold Mine, a mid-sized underground mining project in southeast Alaska began production during the summer of 2010. The mining prospect had been under study for many years, but fluctuations in gold prices and litigation questioning the disposal of mining waste in a lake slowed down development. ... Kensington does not use cyanide ...