No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
INTRODUCTION The sublevel stoping mining method is usually applied to a relatively steeply dipping, competent ore body, surrounded by competent wall rock. Ore is produced by drilling and blasting longholes, which can range from 50 mm (2 in.) to 200 mm (7% in.) diam, with lengths up to 90 m (300 ft). Longholes can be inclined in any direction, but the ring or pattern usually …
At the same time, according to the different thicknesses of the ore body, the sublevel roadway can be arranged on one side or two sides. Due to the wide application of trackless equipment, the sublevel open stoping with subsequent backfill method is mostly used in the bottom structure of extracting ore with the trackless equipment (Fig. 1).
The deposit consists of many sub-vertical orebodies and multiple mining methods have been used over the last decades. At the Charlotte and Charlotte Deep orebodies (COB and CDOB), a combination of stoping and …
Características de sublevel stoping. El sublevel stoping es un método de excavación que consiste en fraccionar el yacimiento en varias secciones verticales, para dejar vacía a la unidad básica de explotación minera, llamada caserón.. El mineral que se recolecta en la mina es acumulado en zanjas colocadas al pie del caserón, y a partir de allí se da inicio a la …
Oil level indicator; H.T. terminals; Figure 1 – 3 Phase, ... flow through the radiator will stop, resulting in transformer overheating. ... Air break switches are used to isolate substation equipment for maintenance and also for transfer of load from one bus to another. Lay-out of substation depends upon type of Air break switches.
Raises and winzes are either vertical or sub-vertical openings driven between one level and another or the surface. Raises are driven upward, and winzes are driven downward. A ramp is an in clined opening connecting levels or stopes to enable the passage of vehicles and an orepass is a vertical or sub-vertical hole through
equipment to the orepass and then slipped from the orepass to the level haulage drift outside the vein. Principle and Parameters ... both sides of the stopping drift of the upper sub-level can be maximally recovered during ore removal in the lower sublevel. The stoping drifts
Sub-Level stoping was used in this country at least as early as 1912, at the Magpie mine in Michipicoten. The fundamental principles of the system are the same wherever it is used, but modifications have been adopted in the Michigan iron mines and in several Canadian mines. It is a system whereby a suitable body of ore may be developed quickly and worked cheaply, with …
Dynamic programming applied to grade control in sub-level open stopping. Trans. IMM (1987) M.Z. Emad et al. State-of-the-art review of backfill practices for sublevel stoping system. ... As all key production activities are largely equipment driven, establishment of equipment steady state operating rates and overall equipment effectiveness (OEE ...
Equipment used for production drilling (ascending): carts with two spears, with sectioned stems and crowns of up to 1 15 mm. Currently, the drills used are electro- hydraulic and DTH's.
In any discussion of Methods of Underground Mining Comparison, one is repeatedly confronted with the difficulty of dealing with so many variable conditions. It is not an exact science and in the choice of a method each varying factor has a certain weight, which, in many cases, experience alone can determine.
The sublevel open stoping using subframe long hole with back filling mining method was applied in practical production conditions, and a 3D laser scanning system CMS …
A classification of stoping methods based upon method of support was adopted by the Mining Division of the Bureau of Mines in 1928. This classification has been used ever since as a basis for describing methods in its publications dealing with mining methods and costs and is as follows: Classification of stoping methods. A. Stopes naturally ...
The square-set stoping method (Fig. 9) is used where the ore is weak, and the walls are not strong enough to support themselves. This is a highly specialized me thod of stoping requiring expert input.
In sub-level stoping, the holes are generally just a few metres apart and some of the holes are adjacent to both the foot wall and the hanging wall. If deviation occurs, it causes a decrease in ore recovery, an increased amount of dilution, and less homogenous fragmentation. In the worst case this could result in a freezed blast.
2018. Mixed integer linear programming models are recognized to have significant potential for optimizing production scheduling problems. A review of general optimization studies that have been proposed for underground mining shows that previous works lack flexibility, operability and practicality in relation to cut-and-fill mining production scheduling.
Equipment Sublevel open stopping is a highly mechanized mining method utilizing a wide range of equipment for drilling and mucking. Typically production drilling is carried out by high-efficiency column and arm long hole …
Sublevel stoping mining methods are generally employed to extract steeply dipping tabular ore deposits characterized by relatively long strikes and having various thicknesses.
The development process includes installing the ore pass and chutes that will be the compartment for the broken ore, as well as constructing sub-levels. How much stope development is necessary depends on the geological characteristics of the rock, the location, and the stoping method to be implemented.
Introduction. Orebody with a dip angle of 20–50° and a vertical thickness of 5–15 m is called inclined medium-thick orebody [].Inclined medium-thick orebody accounts for 5–9% of non-ferrous ore reserves, 18% of iron ore reserves, 30% of reserves in gold mines, and over 70% of reserves in phosphate rock [].Since the dip angle of the footwall is very gentle, the blasted …
Sublevel caving method with sill pillar is the mining process in which a level is divided into several sublevels, a bottom structure specifically used for ore removal is furnished at the lower part of each sublevel, and stoping of ore proceeds from the top sublevel to the bottom sublevel (Fig. 1).It is also called sublevel caving method with bottom structure.
Historically, predominate loading and hauling equipment for caving and sublevel stoping has been scraper slushes, air powered overshot loaders, and rail mounted train haulage. All of this equipment has two common constraints.
A review of the factors controlling stope wall behaviour such as excavation geometry, rockmass strength, induced stress, ground support, blast damage and drill drive layout is undertaken. In …
Sublevel stoping is one of the most successful mining methods in respect of higher production, mechanization and safety. The method is a cost-effective and safe mining solution for steeply dipping vein deposits where high-level mechanization can be adopted. Progress of stope development and rate of production drilling are vital aspects in mine economics and …
equipment is used for mine recovery. Two examples of this approach in practice can be seen at ... stopping mining method have high mining-cut workloads and ratios (up to 30–50 m/kt). Fur-thermore, a large number of pillars are left over once mining has been completed, which can ... scale production capacity, a low level of mechanization, and ...
Sublevel stoping: configuration method in stopes where the ore is detonated by drilling a fan or parallel; large part of the ore is removed from the stope as it is being …
In operations that use the sublevel stoping mining method, production scheduling takes into account factors, including ore reserve envelopes, ore grade averages, equipment …
The most commonly used sublevel stoping mining methods are sublevel open stoping, long-hole open stoping or blasthole stoping, and vertical crater retreat (VCR). …
Long-term planning of an underground mine involves three main aspects: mine design, production scheduling, and equipment selection (Musingwini, 2016).Mine design is the most critical task because it is the foundation of the other two: it determines the geometrical portions of the deposit to be exploited, i.e., the parts of the mine that need to be scheduled for …
The general conditions to which each of the principal stoping methods is applicable have been stated briefly in the preceding pages. Variations of the principal methods, differences in methods of drilling and blasting, handling ore and waste in the stopes, transferring broken ore from the stopes to the haulageways, and filling and timbering operations, and variations in …