Ca-Concentrations in Olivines from Ultrabasic Rocks

Such monocrystalline diamond films can also be used to create two- and three-dimensional photonic crystals, which are in demand for optical processors. Olivine crystals from ultrabasic xenoliths carried by alkaline basalts and kimberlites are represented, with rare exception, by low calcium variations.

Olivine dissolution rates: A critical review

A second major reason to review olivine dissolution rates is that its reactivity is relatively simple. Its structure is comprised of isolated Si O 4 4− tetrahedra linked by divalent cations. As such, its dissolution mechanism is less complex than most other naturally occurring multi-oxide silicates (Oelkers, 2001a).As there are no Si-O-Si linkages in its structure, …

Identifying critical features of iron phosphate particle for …

One-dimensional (1D) olivine iron phosphate (FePO4) is widely proposed for electrochemical lithium (Li) extraction from dilute water sources, however, significant variations in Li selectivity were ...

Volatile concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions …

The study of olivine-hosted melt inclusions trapped at depth by growing olivine crystals, before a rising magma has the opportunity to degas completely, presents an exceptional opportunity to directly measure pre-eruptive volatile concentrations of basaltic rocks, thereby allowing characterization of the source and melting processes for the lavas (Danyushevsky et …

Hydrogen Concentrations and He Isotopes in Olivine From …

Hydrogen concentration profiles across olivine reveal that H loss during decompression was limited to the outermost rims, and yield dehydration durations of 15–417 min. Based on the water contents of the highest-Fo olivine cores, the water contents of the primitive aillikite melts and their mantle source are estimated as 1.6–4.7 wt% and 150 ...

The effect of water on Si and O diffusion rates in olivine and implications for transport properties and processes in the …

We have determined Fe–Mg diffusion coefficients in olivines from different sources (Nanga Parbat, Pakistan and San Carlos, Arizona, USA) at atmospheric pressure as a …

Diffusion of Li in Olivine: Complex Behavior Arising From Effects …

An increasing number of studies are using Li-concentration and Li-isotope systematics to address various geochemical and cosmochemical questions. Large variations are observed [e.g. 1-3] but the origins of the fractionation (e.g. deep and old versus shallow and recent) are debated. Notably, in contrast to the behavior of heavier elements, significant kinetic fractionation e.g. …

Measuring H2O Concentrations in Olivine by Secondary …

56 refer to the concentration of structurally bound H in a crystal, and where appropriate, H+ for 57 discussing the diffusing species. Olivine typically has only trace concentrations of H2O (0-60 58 ppm), yet because it is the dominant upper-mantle mineral, it plays a prominent role in mantle 59 dynamics (Demouchy & Bolfan-Casanova, 2016).

(PDF) Olivine Dissolution in Seawater: Implications for CO2

(A) SEM−EDX micrograph of unreacted olivine (substrate material) with very clear angular features and sharp edges. The Mg-to-Si atomic ratio in area 1 typically lies between 2 and 2.5.

Transport properties of olivine grain boundaries from …

While grain boundaries do provide fast pathways for ionic (e.g., Watson 2002; Hayden and Watson 2006) as well as electronic species (e.g., Roberts and Tyburczy 1991), the much higher concentrations of electronic charge carriers in grain boundaries in olivine aggregates relative to impurity ionic species (with the possible exception of protons ...

Magma ascent rate and initial water concentration inferred …

ρ m and ρ c are the densities of melt and olivine, respectively. ρ c /ρ m is taken as a constant of 1.2 in this study. C i (t) and C e (t) are the interior and exterior water concentrations.Equation is the mass balance equation across the internal melt–olivine boundary.The left-hand side of Eq. is the change in the water mass in the melt inclusion, and …

Coastal spreading of olivine to control …

Olivine weathering is a natural process that takes time, years to decades when applied to suitable environments. Contrary to CCS, the effect is not instantaneous, but in the course of the coming decades in which society will …

[PDF] Rheology of amorphous olivine thin films …

The amorphous olivine films exhibit a viscoelastic-viscoplastic behavior with a significant rate dependency. The strain-rate sensitivity m is equal to ∼0.05 which is very high for silicates ...

CO2 sequestration by carbonation of olivine: a new …

1 Introduction. The increasing concentration of CO 2 in the atmosphere is attributed to the rising consumption of fossil fuels for energy generation or use around the world. In order to develop steel industry with low carbon dioxide emissions, chemical processes by reaction of CO 2 with minerals derived from silicate minerals, e.g. olivine can be considered [1,2].

A new experimental thin film approach to study mobility and

As a model system, the element exchange between a nanocrystalline thin film of olivine (Fo30) and a San Carlos olivine single crystal (Fo89), which is mediated by grain diffusion through a ...

Si and O diffusion in olivine and implications for …

(iii) The surface roughness is within a few nm. HRTEM images reveal [Dohmen et al., 2002] that there is only one phase – olivine, with excellent bonding between the crystalline substrate and the polycrystalline thin film. The concentration of linear and planar defects in the vicinity of the contact region are low.

Efficient Flotation Separation of Ilmenite and Olivine in a …

Due to the similar physical and chemical properties of ilmenite and olivine, separating them is challenging. The flotation process, with the use of collectors, is an effective method. In this study, a ternary collector consisting of aluminum ion (III), benzohydroxamic acid (BHA), and sodium oleate (NaOL) was prepared for the flotation separation of ilmenite and …

(PDF) Diffusion and partition coefficients of minor and …

Isotopic depth profiles were also conducted on an unzoned olivine cuboid that was coated with a 26 Mg-and 56 Fe-enriched olivine thin film (of ∼ 800 nm) in order to investigate top-to-bottom ...

Measuring H2O concentrations in olivine by secondary ion …

Trace concentrations of H 2 O in olivine strongly affect diverse mantle and magmatic processes. H 2 O in olivine has been difficult to accurately quantify due to challenges in sample preparation and measurement, as well as significant uncertainties in standard calibrations. Here we directly compare secondary-ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of the …

Olivine dissolution and carbonation under conditions …

and Pokrovsky and Schott (2000b) found that the rate of olivine dissolution decreases with increasing SiO 2(am) saturation. While many studies have examined the dissolution behavior of olivine in aqueous solutions (e.g., Rimstidt et al., 2012 and references therein), relatively few examined olivine dissolution in the presence of two

Hydrogen Concentrations and He Isotopes in …

Hydrogen concentration profiles across olivine reveal that H loss during decompression was limited to the outermost rims, and yield dehydration durations of 15–417 min. Based on the water ...

Olivine dissolution from Indian dunite in saline water

The rate and mechanism of olivine dissolution was studied using naturally weathered dunite FO98.21(Mg1.884Fe0.391SiO4) from an Indian source, that also contains serpentine mineral lizardite. A series of batch dissolution experiments were carried out to check the influence of temperature (30–75 ∘C), initial dunite concentration (0.5 and 20 g/L), and …

Orthopyroxene rim growth between olivine and quartz at …

The geological significance lies in the water (or hydrogen) concentrations detected in nominally dry minerals like olivine, that show a wide scatter with a maximum concentration found in a kimberlite-derived olivine of 230–300 wt-ppm H 2 O (Bell et al. 2003, Koch-Müller et al. 2006). This indicates that water concentrations in the range of ...

Diffusion-induced lithium isotopic heterogeneity in olivines …

The results show systematic Li isotope changes with distance from the rim of olivine grains. δ7Li values of olivine in dunites decrease from + 10.46 to + 1.33‰ with increasing distance to ...

Kinetics and mechanism of mineral carbonation of olivine for …

The H + concentration in the void between the well-crystallized carbonates formed by carbonation and the non-reacted olivine was believed to be the same as that in the aqueous bulk solution. The decrease in particle size, increase in temperature, HCO 3 − concentration and ionic strength in solution can dramatically enhance the carbonation ...

Trace element concentrations of pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine …

Download scientific diagram | Trace element concentrations of pyroxene, plagioclase, and olivine relict grains in NWA 5744. Each plot contains the modally recombined average bulk rare earth ...


Olivine is a major Lunar mineral, with significant concentrations found in most samples. The good news is that the iron variant, fayalite, is the most common type of olivine. We definitely want olivine when we start extracting iron. Abundance and distribution. Olivine is present in most Lunar soils but is very variable in abundance (5, pg 249)

Measuring H2O Concentrations in Olivine by Secondary Ion …

non-olivine phases, it follows th at the derived concentrations of H 2 O in olivine for both samples 368 are overestimates. The nano-SIMS measurements of KLV-23 provide some insights as to the 369

Stress-induced amorphization triggers deformation in the

We show that, in forsterite, amorphization takes place at grain boundaries under stress and that the onset of ductility of olivine-rich rocks is due to the activation of grain …

F, Cl, and S concentrations in olivine-hosted melt inclusions …

The volatile element concentrations in melt inclusions are also variable and only poorly correlated with incompatible minor elements like K, Ti and P. The concentrations range from 190 and 450 μg/g for F, <10 and 126 μg/g for Cl and <30 to 1105 μg/g for S.