Siderite Gemstone: Properties, Meanings, Value & More

Though Haidinger was the first to describe siderite in 1845, the mineral has been used and known throughout the world since ancient times. In that vein, siderite is one of the minerals collected by researchers at the Switzerland research university ETH Zurich to determine what Earth's climate was like during the Paleocene and Eocene eras.

Siderite with Galena | Black Cloud Mine, Iowa Gulch, …

Siderite with Galena Black Cloud Mine, Iowa Gulch, Leadville District, Lake Co., Colorado, USA ... Ex George Loud Collection No. CO.1; 8242. George (born August 16, 1942) is a well-known mineral collector from Washington, DC and South Carolina respectively, and was a patent lawyer by trade for over 50 years. ... Buy Siderite mineral ...

Are the iron carbonate minerals, ankerite and ferroan dolomite, like

Magnetic, Moss effect, and thermal properties have been evaluated for specimens of the mineral ankerite and are contrasted with similar measurements reported for the mineral siderite to determine if ankerite (and ferroan dolomite), like siderite, may be important in paleomagnetism as a producer of secondary, spurious remanent moments as the result of oxidation in air.


Item Description. Leadville was one of the great mining towns in Colorado, producing some iconic mineral specimens. This is a lovely Siderite specimen from the Irene Shaft (sometimes called the Irene Mine but it's actually part of the Black Cloud Mine) featuring several rhombic crystals measuring up to 6 mm, with a greenish-brown color, and a satiny interior …

Siderite with Galena

Siderite with Galena. specimen number: 5002726. location: San Valentin open pit, Sancti Espiritu, La Union, Murcia, Spain. description: Open pockets throughout this galena matrix are lined with sparkling crystals of siderite. Collected in the early 1980s, in good condition and quite nice for this locality and species.

Siderite | Mineralogy4Kids

Siderite is an ore of iron when found in sufficient volume to be economically recoverable. It was named in 1845 from the Greek word meaning "iron," in allusion to its composition. It is most often found in bedded sedimentary deposits with shales and coal beds and also as bog deposits. ... Mineral Photos courtesy of R.Weller/Cochise College ...


SIDERITE. HISTORY, NAME, LOCALITIES: Siderite, pronounced SYE-der-ite, has been known since antiquity and was recognized as mineral species in 1845. Its name stems from the Greek sideros, meaning "iron," alluding to its composition. Siderite is abundant and widely distributed with notable collecting localities in Germany, England, Portugal ...

Siderite Mineral Specimens

Phenakite, sometimes also spelled Phenacite, is a rare beryllium silicate mineral with the chemical formula Be₂SiO₄. Phenakite is prized for its crystal clarity, brilliance, and hardness, making it a …


Siderite is both an iron ore and gangue mineral. Its principal economic value lies in its high iron content and the absence of process contaminants such as sulfur or phosphorous.


Rhombohedral crystals of siderite measuring to 5.0 cm on edge across the top of a massive siderite matrix. ... Buy with confidence! Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. ... refer to our Policies Section. See More Related by Mineral (Siderite): Siderite — Portugal. small-cabinet. 45.00. Siderite — Portugal. Origin: 3 level, Panasqueira ...

Chalcopyrite, Siderite, Kaiwu Mine, Ghizou,China

The sharp, highly lustrous chalcopyrites feature most prominently at the top (the way I would display it) and the largest is a parallel growth group 1.4 cm across. The siderite on this specimen is as good as the siderite on any of these I have seen – sharp, clean, lustrous and translucent.


Siderite. specimen number: 1951665. location: Mt. St. Hilaire, Quebec, Canada. description: Brown semi-lustrous large blocky rhombohedral crystals of siderite are scattered very aesthetically over the front of this 26.0 x 16.0 x 15.0 cm matrix. In excellent condition for one of these, the largest siderite crystals measure to 4.5 cm in size.

Sidco Minerals|Top Siderite Iron Carbonate Supplier

Sidco Minerals, a leading mineral supplier and manufacturer, has been providing siderite & iron carbonate products for 30 years. Call Us at 903-278-0558 for details!

Siderite – Virtual Museum of Molecules and Minerals

Siderite occurs as clay ironstone, an impure mixture of siderite with clay minerals. It may form concretions or concentric layers. It may also occur as black-band ore, which can form extensive stratified beds admixed with shales, other carbonates, and coal. Siderite is also formed as iron rich waters replace Ca in limestone.

Siderite – WGNHS – UW–Madison

Siderite forms as a sedimentary precipitate, in hydrothermal veins, in metamorphic rocks formed from such protoliths, and, rarely, in pegmatites. In sedimentary environments it forms in extensive beds of banded iron formations and as more localized deposits of bog-iron ore. It readily weathers to iron oxides. ASHLAND COUNTY: Siderite is a common component of the Ironwood Banded …


Siderite, also known as "chalybite", is an iron carbonate mineral that belongs to the calcite group. It can contain a wide variety of impurities, including manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc, …

Siderite, also known as Iron Carbonate

Sidco Minerals is North America's top Siderite, Iron Carbonate, Ferrous Carbonate and Iron Oxide Source and Supplier. Call Now 903-278-0558 for info!

Techniques for Collectors : How to clean Quartz and Siderite …

Getting goethite off of siderite is another matter. Anything that will dissolve the goethite will also affect the siderite. You could try cold HCl on a waste piece. Cold HCl will remove the goethite but it also may etch the siderite. Warm …

Mg-rich Siderite: Mineral information, data and localities.

Mining Companies Statistics Users Mineral Museums Clubs & Organizations Mineral Shows & Events The Mindat Directory Device Settings The Mineral Quiz. ... (as Mg-rich Siderite) ea4ee0ae-95d0-4330-a83e-558d6d01833f (as Siderite) ... Buy rare minerals from Excalibur Minerals; Fine Minerals from Weinrich Minerals, Inc. The Arkenstone - Fine ...


Buy with confidence! Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Should you have any questions, refer to our Policies Section. Related by Mineral (Siderite): Siderite — Portugal. small-cabinet. 45.00. Siderite — Portugal. Origin: 3 level, Panasqueira Mines, Covilha, Castelo Branco, Portugal.

Marin Mineral Company

Fine Mineral Specimens for Collectors Mike Keim, P.O. Box 5256 Larkspur, California, 94939 (415) 342 - 1852


Buy with confidence! Your complete satisfaction is guaranteed. Should you have any questions, refer to our Policies Section. Related by Mineral (Siderite): Siderite — Portugal. small-cabinet. 125.00. Siderite — Portugal. Origin: Level 2, Panasqueira …

Solved This question has multiple parts. Work all the parts …

Question: This question has multiple parts. Work all the parts to get the most points. Siderite is a mineral consisting largely of iron(II) carbonate. Write an overall, balanced equation for its reaction with nitric acid, and name the products. (Use the lowest possible coefficients. Use the pull-down boxes to specify states such as (aq) or (3).

Siderite | Kaiwu Mine, Hezhang County, Bijie, Guizhou, China

A showy miniature sized piece of Siderite from the limited finds at the Kaiwu Mine in Guizhou, China. The piece features a predominant, sharp, lustrous, translucent, rich greenish-brown rhomb of Siderite measuring 3.6 cm at its longest dimension, sitting atop additional Siderite, with no other minerals / matrix.

Siderite: Mineral information, data and localities.

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K) 0000101: Siderite: Graf D L (1961) Crystallographic tables for the rhombohedral carbonates American Mineralogist 46 1283-1316 1961: 0: 293: 0020837: Siderite: Effenberger H, Mereiter K, Zemann J (1981) Crystal structure refinements of magnesite, calcite, rhodochrosite, siderite, smithsonite, and dolomite, …


Siderite. specimen number: 3191018. location: Morro Velho mine, Nova Lima, Minas Gerais, Brazil. description: Exceptionally good lustrous near transparent crystals of rhombohedral siderite to almost 2.0 cm in size with little attached matrix. In very good condition. This is classic material for this locality and the quality of this one is ...

Mineral Database

Introduction: siderite is widely developed in a range of geological settings, in particular some hydrothermal veins (where it may be the chief gangue mineral and may also be mined if pure enough), and in sedimentary rocks, where it is often an important constituent of ironstones. Siderite, like other iron-bearing carbonates, is white to creamy-yellow when unweathered: …

Sidco Minerals|Top Siderite Iron Carbonate …

Sidco Minerals, a leading mineral supplier and manufacturer, has been providing siderite & iron carbonate products for 30 years. Call Us at 903-278-0558 for details! HOME; ABOUT US ... Company. Email. Phone. Project Details. 2810 …

SIDERITE (Iron Carbonate)

Siderite is a common mineral although excellent, attractive crystal specimens are sometimes hard to find. But many crystals, when colorfully iridescent, make a wonderful, colorful, satiny, shimmering mineral specimen. ... The siderite has …

16.62: Siderite

This stone is too soft to be cut and is hence rarely faceted as a gemstone. As it is a carbonate, it would give effervescence (bubbling) when in contact with acids; strong eye visible doubling due to the high birefringence. Siderite, like most carbonates, is highly birefringent.