Poop to Power: Turning Wastewater into Clean …

Through the Poop to Power Project, Portland is on its way to maximizing the reuse of the methane produced at the treatment plant and turning this waste into a valuable resource. The resulting renewable natural gas (RNG) will be used …

Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant | The …

The Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant (CBWTP) opened on Portland's north side, near the Columbia Slough, in 1952. It was the first wastewater treatment plant in Portland. The …

Take a Virtual Tour of the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater …

Find out what happens to that water once it leaves your home, school, or office and makes it way to the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant, Oregon's largest wastewater …

Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Bridgeport | Discogs

From Dec. 17, 1951, to Jan. 14, 1952, the Bridgeport plant was hit with a strike by the United Electrical Workers; during that period, there was increased pressing activity by Columbia Records Pressing Plant, Hollywood, as well as product subcontracted to the following other plants:

Columbia Blvd. Wastewater Treatment Plant Cogeneration …

The City of Portland is known for its commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency, and the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant (CBWTP) Co-Generation Plant is just the …

Disc Filter| Disc Filter Supplier, Manufacturer

Disc Filter - For greater variability and adaptation to the capacity needs of each project & application TCPL TEAM has developed four size series of Disc Filter. After long-term testing, we offer smaller compact filter with a diameter of 1m, medium sized device with a diameter of 1.5 & 2m, and the biggest sized device with a diameter of 3m ...

Portland Cement Manufacturing Process In Cement Plant

At the beginning of the article, we said that Portland cement is so called because the color of concrete made from it is similar to that of natural rocks on the British island of Portland. The raw materials for Portland cement are mainly composed of three components: calcium oxide, silicon dioxide and alumina, which account for 60%, 20% and 10% ...

Disc Filters PPC

Biocombi Compact Plants. Biocombi Monoblock BC 2 biodiscs plus drum filter ; ... PPC and PPC VM disc filters for water filtration: system description. The PPC – PPC VM series of disc filters was developed for installations serving medium to large capacity plants. Depth filtration, typical of MITA free-fiber cloth filters, ensures great ...

Cracking the Columbia Records Code

You can find a great deal of information online about matrix codes and their meaning. Unfortunately some of it is incorrect. For example a post on the often useful Steve Hoffman Forums claims that Columbia "cuttings" are A-1st, B-2nd, C-3rd through L-11th and then AA is 12th "cutting" with AB being 13th. AA through AL would be cuttings 12-22, BA through …


DISC FILTERS The reuse of water directly after it has been treated in a wastewater treatment plant is increasingly gaining in importance. A fundamental part of tertiary wastewater treatment is the added filtration. It is the basis for further steps of conditioning towards water recycling and treatment, such as a fourth treatment stage ...

Columbia Boulevard Project

The Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant – Secondary Treatment Expansion Program (CBWTP STEP) is a City of Portland – Bureau of Environmental Services Project. …

Portland Cement Manufacturing – Ordinary Portland …

At present, Portland cement has been widely used in residential construction, traffic construction, large-scale water conservancy construction, civil engineering, etc. For different applications, Portland cement is classified into various types. Ordinary Portland cement (OPC) refers to Portland cement containing 5 ~ 20% of active mixing material.

Vacuum disc filters go beyond

These basics and aspects resulted in a new vacuum disc filter design (Figure 1) that is capable of performing with: • 12–15 m³/m 2/h feed flow. • 8–10 t/m 2/h specific solids throughput. • 8–10 m³/m 2/h filtrate flow. Figure 1 High -performance BoVac L132 disc filter with three discs and a 132 m² filter area

Hydrotech™ Disc Filters

Located in Sinai, east of the Suez Canal in Egypt, the Bahr El-Baqar plant Hydrotech TM Disc filter installation is by far the biggest in the world, both in the number of filters supplied and total filtration area. This helps reduce the …


Carbon Pleated Filters Tri-Sorb carbon pleated filters are the state-of-the-art in carbon filtration. Tri-Sorb 50/50 carbon pleated filters utilize a unique blend of carbon and impregnated alumina to enhance effectiveness against a broad range of contaminates. Tri-Sorb XL filters use a special carbon media that uses greater carbon surface area to enhance the carbon's breakthrough […]

Disc Filter for Water

Disc filters, depending on their size, have connections between 3/4 "and 2". ... Filtration in water treatment plants. Pre-treatment of water softening or reverse osmosis systems. Water recirculation. Cooling towers (part of the filtering system). Replacement of sand, anthracite or zeolite filters in water treatment.

About the Wastewater Treatment Process | Portland.gov

Most of Portland's wastewater travels through a series of pipes and pump stations to arrive at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant in North Portland. At the plant, it undergoes a transformative process that includes a little bit of biology, chemistry, and physics along with trillions of tiny microorganisms (which we call bugs ...

Disc Filters

PEP Filters' disc filtration systems are the best kept secret in water business. These filters are often overlooked for the more traditional media filters and separators. With filtration degree options from 20-400 micron, PEP Filters offers a wide variety of vertical or horizontal configurations to meet the most challenging applications.

Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Support Facility …

Located in Portland, Oregon, the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Support Facility will provide offices for the Bureau of Environmental Services engineering and construction management ...

Columbia Ridge Landfill

The energy plant at Columbia Ridge uses landfill gas to generate renewable energy as part of WM's increasing focus on extracting value from waste. Gas collected from the landfill powers 12 engines to produce 12.8 megawatts of electricity-enough to power 12,500 homes in Seattle through an agreement with the City of Seattle.

Columbia Ridge Landfill and Recycling Center

Abrasive Blast Media Filter Cake Agricultural Wastes Incinerator Ash ... • The energy plant at Columbia Ridge uses landfill gas to generate renewable energy as part of ... TSC Portland 800 685 8001 or 800 963 4776 TSCPortland@wm COMMUNITY RELATIONS Jackie Lang


Specialties: Medical Gases, Welding Shielding and Cutting Gases, Refrigerant Gases, Bulk Gases, Specialty Gases, Welding Supplies, Safety Products, Industrial Tools and Supplies, Equipment Rentals Established in 1982. Airgas, an Air Liquide company, is a leading US supplier of industrial, medical and specialty gases, as well as hardgoods and related products; one of …


Columbia, MD - Best Disc Golf - Seneca Creek Disc Golf, Patapsco Valley State Park - McKeldin Area, Calvert Road Disc Golf Course, Burke Lake Disc Golf, Bluemont Park Disc Golf Course, Codorus State Park Disc Golf Course, Middletown Park, Woodsboro Regional Park Disc Golf, Giles Run Meadow Park, Antrim Township Park

Disc Pelletizer, Balling Disc, Pan Granulators

Pan granulators are primarily used in fertilizer plants, cement plants, and metallurgical plants. Disc pelletizer is applied for chemical powders, limestone, gypsum, fertilizers, coal fines, cement, lime kiln dust, fly ash, filter or centrifuge cake, minerals …

Wastewater treatment plant moves into next construction …

Construction is ongoing at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant in Portland with two new clarifiers being built as part of its Secondary Treatment Expansion …

Portland cement manufacture

STEP4: Preheating and precalcining of Portland cement. When the airflow carries the raw meal into the cyclone, it is forced to make a rotating flow in the annular space between the cyclone cylinder and the inner cylinder (exhaust pipe), and it moves downward while rotating, from the cylinder to the cone, and the movement can be extended to the end of the cone, and then …

Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Support Facility …

Located in Portland, Oregon, the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Support Facility will provide offices for the Bureau of Environmental Services engineering and …

Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant

Every Portland resident, business, and visitor relies on the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. Located in North Portland, the plant serves more than 650,000 customers every hour of every day. Plant operators work around the clock to manage an average of 70 million gallons of wastewater through the treatment process each day.

Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Receives …

PORTLAND, OR — Operating 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant serves the growing city of Portland by protecting public health …

Pollution Facts – Columbia Riverkeeper

Columbia Riverkeeper is committed to keeping up with the latest threats and opportunities on the Columbia and its tributaries. ... wastewater treatment plants; and runoff from agricultural lands, logging, and industrial sites, and city streets. ... PORTLAND OFFICE. Phone: 503-432-8927 1125 SE Madison Street Suite 103A Portland, OR 97214