Oil Shale

Oil shale is an organic-rich fine-grained clayey sedimentary rock containing high concentrations of kerogen (typically 20–80%) that has not naturally reached temperatures sufficient for oil generation but from which shale oil can be obtained by direct application of heat in the absence of oxygen (Reinsalu and Aarna 2015).Oil shales are organic-rich but thermally …

An Analytic Hierarchy Process Method to Evaluate …

The great demand for oil shale resource development and the corresponding threats to the environment have resulted in the urgent need to assess the impact of oil shale in situ mining on the environment. In this paper, based on an analysis method developed by the previous literature and the Delphi technique, three secondary indicators and ten tertiary …

Shale gas extraction technologies

Blasting of the shale gas production makes the United States has not only provided all domestic needs, including its electricity generation portfolio but has now become a natural gas exporter rather than an importer like in 2010 [9]. Natural gas from shale resources is now accessible and abundant on a full commercial scale to extract.

15.1: Mining

Concentrating and Refining. All ore minerals occur mixed with less desirable components called gangue.The process of physically separating gangue minerals from ore-bearing minerals is called concentrating.Separating the desired element from a host mineral by chemical means, including heating, is called smelting.Finally, taking a metal such as copper …

What is Frac Sand? And how is it used in fracking?

Shale is a type of sedimentary rock, made from what is basically pressurized mud, with many tiny pores. ... the fractures need to be held open so that they don't deflate and close the pores from which the natural gas and oil are derived. ... The sand is transferred to a wet plant. Utilizing a wash-water loop, raw sand is washed to remove silt ...


It contains enough ore to make mining economical. B. The ore is easily extractable. ... Select statements true of shale gas A. Shale gas cannot escape because it is locked into impermeable shale. B. Shale gas is a natural gas reserve. ... Coal is formed from plant matter through a process spanning millions of years. Show this process by ...

DOE-Funded Primer Underscores Technology Advances, …

DOE recognized the need for a report that presents credible, factual information to address these questions. The Primer describes the importance of shale gas in meeting the …

Mining and Processing Oil Shales for Energy and Petroleum …

The environmental review contains detailed studies of all aspects of these oil shales' mining, retorting, upgrading, spent shale and waste water management; leachates …

Prospects of Shale Oil and Gas Production in Pakistan: A …

Shale gas has taken over most of the US industrial activities, fertilizer production, and treatment plants. There is a 50% increase in shale gas based power plants in the US, causing a drop in electricity prices and feedstock cost. It is estimated that 601,000 workers across value chain have been provided employment in 2010 due to shale.

Pa.'s Marcellus Shale has lithium for electric …

Mackey's research, published recently in Nature Scientific Reports, says the brine water that lies deep within the Marcellus Shale — and comes to the surface during gas production — could provide 38–40% of the …

Aging Coal Plants and Rising Outages Threaten Grid Reliability

The aging coal plants across the U.S. pose a significant risk to grid reliability as their forced outage rates continue to rise. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) unveiled its 2024 State of Reliability Report, noting that the forced outage rate at conventional and wind facilities maintained a historical high.These high levels followed a peak …

Managing and Mitigating the Next Boom | Center of the …

The traditional mining and retort methods planned and tested in the last boom require tremendous quantities of water for dust control, scrubbing off-gasses, hydrogenation, evaporative cooling, …

Perspectives for the Mining of Oil Shale and Limestone with Surface

Wirtgen surface miner was used for limestone mining from 1989 to 1991. Tests for oil shale mining were carried through in 2004 with Wirtgen and MAN TAKRAF surface miners. 1.5 billion tonnes. Oil shale mining peaked in 1980 when more than 30 millions tonnes of oil shale were mined annually.

A Method for the Modified Estimation of Oil Shale …

Oil shale, a sedimentary rock containing kerogen, has been identified as a potential alternative source of fuel. However, accurately estimating the amount of oil that can be extracted from shale is a challenging task due to the complex nature of the rock and the lack of extensive production history in many shale oil ventures [3–12].

Quick Guide to Oil Shale

Once a shale sample has been located and evaluated, the rocks are extracted through open-pit mining or hydraulic fracturing.. This latter process, commonly called "fracking," involves shooting highly pressurized liquids into rocks to burst open existing fissures and make it easier to extract oil and gas.Oil shale processing can also be categorized into two methods: ex …

Oil shale open-pit mining in Maoming area before

Specifically, the Maoming oil shale exploitation began in 1955 (Fig- ure 2a) as a large shale oil plant was built with the approval of the National Reserves Committee.

Mining Permits

The following Chapters of Title 25 Environmental Protection of the Pennsylvania Code provide the regulatory basis for surface and underground noncoal mining and reclamation in Pennsylvania:. Chapter 77. Noncoal Mining; Noncoal permit exemptions: A permit for noncoal mineral extraction is not needed in the following circumstances: building construction activities; or noncommercial …

Ecological Restoration and Transformation of …

Oil shale is a kind of unconventional energy resource with abundant reserves, but its exploitation has a continuous negative impact on the environment, which has hindered the research and exploitation of oil shale …

Global Shale Revolution: Successes, Challenges, and …

This study reveals the current problems and prospects of developing shale oil and gas industries in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Russia, China, India, and Australia. This …

Shale and Its Potential in India

Shale oil extraction methods: Mined shale oils are transported to the processing plants, heated to 500OC, and oil comes out from these rocks. Situ technique: Oil shale is broken by explosion and Kerogen comes out like crude oil from these rocks. Prospects of Shale oil exploration in India

Oil Shale

Mining for oil shale can have damaging effects on the environment. When shale oil is combusted (heated), it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a …

16 Energy and Mineral Resources – An Introduction to …

Underground mining in Estonia of Oil Shale. Underground mining is a method often used to mine higher-grade, more localized, or very concentrated resources. For one example, geologists mine some underground ore minerals by introducing chemical agents, which dissolve the target mineral .

Estonia's dirty secret

The current oil shale development plan for 2016 – 2030 does not see a need for reducing mining quotas, and the current limit of 20 million tonnes is above the actual mining quantities. ... This might become a problem in 2019, when the state-owned energy company Eesti Energia closes three oil shale electric plant blocks built in the seventies.

Advances and challenges in shale oil development: A critical …

In this work, the advances and challenges in the development of shale oil are summarized from following aspects: phase behavior, flow mechanisms, reservoir numerical …

Coal Mining and Processing Methods

In surface mining, the ground covering the coal seam (the overburden) is first removed to expose the coal seam for extraction. The elements of a surface mining operation are (1) topsoil removal and storage for later use, (2) drilling …

CHAPTER THREE Oil Shale Technologies

Commercial oil shale plants will likely be designed to produce at least 50,000 barrels, and more likely well over 100,000 barrels, of shale oil per day.4 At a mini-mum, a mine designed to serve such plants will need an annual output of more than 25 million tons. A room-and-pillar mine in that capacity range was designed and par-

Oil shale plant siting methodology: A guide to permits and …

The first example is for a hypothetical 50,000 barrel-per-day oil shale plant located near Rio Blanco, Colorado. This plant uses conventional open pit mining and surface (Lurgi) processing of the shale. The permitting costs for this plant, including baseline data acquisition and monitoring, exceed $2 million. The second example, a 5,000 barrel ...

Evaluation of oil shale mining heritage in Estonia

and finally, future needs and goals for the holistic growth of oil shale regions are determined and analyzed. 2 Retrospect view on the history of oil shale mining Oil shale is the most important mineral resource in Estonia and among the major oil shale mining countries (Estonia, Russia, China, Brasil, Australia and

CHAPTER THREE Oil Shale Technologies

Oil shale can be mined using one of two methods: underground mining, most likely using the room-and-pillar method, or surface mining. In general, surface mining is

A New Tale, Just Without Oil Shale: Climate Neutrality and …

Estonia has had a long love affair with oil shale mining that uses sedimentary rocks from which hydrocarbons are extracted. As widely known, the combustion and thermal processing of oil shale mining generates significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that contribute to global warming. Oil shale resources are concentrated in Estonia's industrial north-east, a …