No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
5.4 Socio-Economic Impacts. Socio-economic impacts of lead–zinc mining in Enyigba and Ishiagu, southeastern Nigeria, can be measured based on the following socio-economic indicators; unemployment, education, human development, poverty level, health and social amenities, sanitary/hygiene level, high cost of living, and fertility rate.
The aim of the study was to assess the socio-economic impacts of mining on people's livelihoods in communities surrounding the Kansanshi mine and the role of CSR in mitigating the effects. The objectives were to establish how mining activities impact (socially and economically) on
the Sierra Leone mining industry's environmental and socio-economic impacts. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: To identify and assess socio-economic activities which are significantly influenced by mining activities. To examine local communities perceptions on how mining activities impact the environment.
This literature review addresses on socio-economic and political impacts of the extractive (mining) industry. The paper reveals 27 different impacts (23 socio-economics and 4 …
The enclaved character of commercial mining; its lack of benefits to local people, and poor mitigation and compensation of its negative impacts have all had adverse socio-economic impacts on the people and environmental sustainability (Akabzaa, 2009; Akabzaa & Darimani, 2001; Ayee et al., 2011; Essah & Andrews, 2016). Notwithstanding, research ...
This study aimed to identify the levels of social action, physical infrastructures, economic development, basic services, health, and education that the mining sector must …
socio - economic impacts of sand mining activities in zanzibar ali suleiman ali a dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of arts in natural resources assessment and management (manram) of the open university of tanzania 2020 . ii
The overriding objectives were to assess local perception of the environment and socio-economic impacts of mining in their communities. To achieve this, 50 respondents were selected using a ...
Natural resources are an integral part of all human civilization. Again, natural resources that can either be renewable or non-renewable, affords adequate atmosphere towards economic development. Coal as a form of non-renewable natural resource is obtainable through excavation. But in the process, it is often regarded as a socially and environmentally stubborn …
The specific objectives are to assess the socio-economic impacts of the mine on the local people and examine its environmental effects on soil, water resources, vegetation cover and air quality in ...
CMI REPORT SOCIO-ECONOMIC EFFECTS OF GOLD MINING IN MALI R 2006: 4 . 20. 5. Impact of Sadiola and Morila mines on employment .
DOI: 10.1016/J.EXIS.2016.02.001 Corpus ID: 167608619; The socio-economic impacts of mining on local communities: The case of Jordan @article{Rawashdeh2016TheSI, title={The socio-economic impacts of mining on local communities: The case of Jordan}, author={Rami al Rawashdeh and Gary A. Campbell and Awwad Titi}, journal={The Extractive Industries and …
Artisanal mining is associated with a number of environmental impacts, including deforestation and land degradation, open pits which pose animal traps and health hazards, and heavy metals contamination of land (water and soil), dust and noise pollution.
Therefore, the economic effects of coal mining are the benefits for South Africa; the environmental influences are the cost. Discover the world's research 25+ million members
The environmental ground is the first reason followed by other social and economical reasons. To define the causative effect on the socio-economic front, the impact categorization has been done according to the different phases of the mining life cycle (Table 20.1). These are first examined and impact evaluated.
This paper investigates the socio-economic impacts and coping strategies adopted by the local community of Pilgrim's Rest in Mpumalanga following the closure of the gold mine. A questionnaire-based survey, administered through face-to-face interaction with the local community and the stakeholders, was the main instrument used to obtain the data. The study …
The case-by-case socio-environmental-economic impact analysis of coal-mining projects ensures that only projects with positive net social benefits are chosen to proceed. With ever rising energy demand coal is likely to continue to be significant source of energy, while expanded implementation of clean coal technologies will help to reduce ...
long histories of mining, benefits came from foreign direct investment (FDI), export revenues, and fiscal revenues. The overall impact of the mining sector was much stronger if there were …
The third socio-economic impact of abandoned mines is that illegal mining activities (known as zama zama) take place, which lead to the criminalisation of communities (Anthony Turton, personal communication, 4 April 2013).This has several harmful consequences such as risks to individual informal miners who have no financial or other benefit structures …
In various contexts, social impacts of mining are assessed with different sets of indicators and targets. In this study we perform a review of the associated literature, identify a …
Regarding which social impacts from bauxite mining and refining the review finds in the latest scientific publications, Table 3 shows the large array of social impacts identified. Overall, this covers impacts on socio-economy, resources, demography, land use and rights, and community development.
Purpose This article provides methodological insights to evaluate the socio-economic risk of an emerging froth flotation technology for the mining sector with the goal of guiding the design and development process. This technology is used to separate valuable particles based on surface properties among minerals and, if properly developed, could be …
Small mining towns are often single-industry towns that turn to ghost towns or face negative socio-economic impacts upon mine closure. This study qualitatively explores the roles that mining companies and other key stakeholders (should) play in the development of local economies of the small mining communities to bring about economic sustainability, employing …
Keywords: Small-scale mines; Socio-economic impact; Sustainability; Mining The author is a member of the Environmental Policy & Management Group (EPMG), Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology (ICCET), Royal School of Mines, London. E-mail: [email protected] 1. Introduction Small-scale mining has brought both major problems and
The aim of the study was to assess the socio-economic impacts of mining on people's livelihoods in communities surrounding the Kansanshi mine and the role of CSR in mitigating the effects. …
impacts should be mitigated, how risks and benefits are distributed, and how long term net gains might be achieved. With this shift in social values, SIA is now asked to give voice to other …
EXAMINING THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF MINING ON THE LIVELIHOODS OF AMAJUBA DISTRICT MINING COMMUNITIES . BY . SIHLANGU NGOBESE. A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of. Master of Commerce . Graduate School of Business and Leadership.
researchers have documented the environmental and socio-economic impacts of gold mining in other countries [5–8]. However, due to research specialization and discipline-specific worldviews, seldom does research integrate the natural and social dimensions of the impacts of gold mining in a single paper [8,9].
The study aims to present the environmental and socio-economic effects of discontinuing lignite mining. It is a unique example of cultural heritage and influences the tourist development of the region. To this end, historical …
It is observed that spatial analysis of impacts of mining projects on the environmental attributes, especially air, noise, water, land, and socio-economy in mining areas is largely unexplored in ...