Copper Mining and Processing: Processing Copper Ores

Copper processing is a complicated process that begins with mining of the ore (less than 1% copper) and ends with sheets of 99.99% pure copper called cathodes, which will ultimately be made into products for everyday use.The most common types of ore, copper oxide and copper sulfide, undergo two different processes, hydrometallurgy and pyrometallurgy, respectively, …

Copper smelting and converting: past and present Chilean developments

Since the second part of the twentieth century, Chile has become the largest copper producer in the world, being the pyrometallurgical processing of sulfides concentrates a central part of it.

Five largest copper mines in Chile in 2020

The Chuquicamata Mine, owned by Corporacion Nacional del Cobre de Chile, is an underground mine located in Antofagasta. The mine produced an estimated 400.72 Thousand tonnes of copper in 2020. The mine will operate until 2058. 5. Los Pelambres Mine. Owned by Antofagasta Plc, the Los Pelambres Mine is a surface mine located in Elqui.

Towards mine tailings valorization: Recovery of critical …

There are no processing plants using copper mine tailings as a source of CRMs. Therefore, technologies used for primary sources are assumed to be also applicable to the processing of mine tailings. ... There are 696 tailings storage facilities in Chile, mainly from copper mining, which is the biggest mining industry in the country. The biggest ...

Past, Present, and Future of Copper Mine Tailings Governance in Chile

Currently, many major copper mining projects located in extremely dry areas, such as northern Chile in the Atacama Desert, process copper sulphide ores at high production rates: in some cases, more than 100,000 metric tons per day (mtpd), as are the cases of: (i) ndida Mine, (ii) Chuquicamata–Ministro Hales–Radomiro Tomic Mines, (iii ...

Copper Production & Development

"We have two lines of production – a concentrator where we process sulfides to generate copper and molybdenum concentrate; and a dump leach operation where run of mine material is leached and through an SX-EW process we produce high grade copper cathodes," detailed Gonzalo Araujo Alonso, COO of SCM Minera Lumina Copper Chile (MLCC ...

Chile sees record copper production next year

Chile is expected to produce a record 5.8 million metric tons of copper in 2025, the state-run Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) said on Tuesday. The projected output …

Copper Mining & Processing: Everything You Need to Know

Learn the basics of copper mining and processing. After being mined, copper must be processed extensively for use in everyday items. Skip to main content. 815-455-3222. Top Menu. About. ... Chile is the world's largest copper producer, supplying about 27% of the global supply in 2021. Two of the largest copper mines in the world are based in ...


According to the company's March 2024 operational review, production at ndida, Chile largest copper mine, is expected to rise 7%, with a production guidance between 1,08 and 1,18 million t for FY24. Spence production increased by 3% to a nine-month record of 189,000 t, driven by improved concentrator throughput and higher recoveries. ...

The seven copper smelter in Chile. | Download Scientific …

Most mining residues in Chile originate from the many copper porphyry and some polymetallic deposits. A short overview on the processing of copper sulfides shall be given (Davenport et al., 2002 ...

BHP's $14B Investment Plan for its Chile Copper Mines. Will …

We also discovered from its corporate deck that BHP's Chilean mine has delivered 38 million tons of copper since 1990 which accounted for 7% of global copper mine output. …

The use of seawater in copper hydrometallurgical processing in Chile…

The copper extraction was 94% when leaching at 90 °C after pretreatment with 50 g/L of Cl-and 0.2 M of H2SO4. Elemental sulphur, jarosite, and copper polysulphide (CuS2) were detected in the ...


We mine copper from some of the world's biggest copper deposits located at our ndida, Spence and Cerro Colorado operations in Chile.

Environmental, economic and technological factors affecting …

Of this, 80% comes from the pyrometallurgical processing of copper sulphide ores which are processed in smelters [[3], [4], [5]]. Chile is the world's leading copper producer with a 28.3% share [6], and maintains 23.0% of current global reserves [7].

Processing Tests, Adjusted Cost Models and the …

Copper is by value one of the main mineral commodities in the world [].Due to the nature of mineral deposits, not only ore minerals are extracted, but also barren minerals that have to be deposited as tailings [].According to [], more than 500 M t of tailings were produced in Chile, in 2019 alone.Over the past 30 years, more than 7 billion tons of tailings have been stockpiled or …

CODELCO, Chile programs its copper-smelting operations

CODELCO,ChileProgramsIts Copper-SmeltingOperations LorenaPradenas DepartmentofIndustrialEngineering,UniversityofConcepción,Chile, Casilla160–C,Correo3,Concepción ...

Copper and Lithium: How Chile Is Contributing to the Energy Transition

Copper. Globally, Chile is the No. 1 copper producer, and demand is likely to increase, as copper in "wind turbines, solar farms, and their transmission networks use[s] up to 12 times as much of the metal as nonrenewable energy systems." 3 Electric grids, electric cars, and car-charging stations, in addition to the post-pandemic economic ...

Chile: The World's Most Prolific Copper Producing Country

Bordered by the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean, Chile possesses 6 of the planet's largest copper deposits, and 8 of the largest copper miners operate in Chile.

Potential copper production through 2035 in Chile

In the case of the traditional process via concentration, the following equation was used to estimate the electric energy consumed by mines, mill plants, and services in the production of copper concentrates, where Q Con,j represents the production of copper contained in concentrates and Q T,j is the Chile's total copper contained production:

ndida Mine in Chile- One of the largest copper mines in …

ndida open-pit mine in Chile is one of the largest copper mines in the world. The mine has been operating continuously since commencing production in late 1990. ... increasing the ore processing capacity of the first concentrator plant (Los Colorados) from 35,000 tonnes per day (tpd) to 37,500tpd.

Optimizing the Rougher Flotation Process of Copper Ore

Mining is one of Chile's priority economic sectors, accounting for 9% of GDP; however, there is a low level of technology adoption in decision-making in the mining company, which results in low production efficiency [].Mining production costs are divided into operating costs (mine costs + processing costs + transport costs), plus financial and depreciation costs.

Copper production in Chile and major projects

Chile's copper exports are expected to grow at a CAGR of 2.05% between 2023 and 2027. Leading producers of copper in Chile are Corporacion Nacional del Cobre de Chile, …

Chuquicamata Copper Mine, Chile

The proven copper ore reserves at Chuquicamata mine are estimated at 751 million tonnes (mt), grading 0.79% copper with a fine copper content of 6.0mt as of 2022. Mining and processing details Codelco uses conventional open-pit mining methods at Chuquicamata.

The fate of molybdenum in the residues of a Chilean copper …

For many elements and types of materials including slag, a possible re-processing has been studied and the literature is abundant. However, the focus and successful applications were mostly on e.g. copper and other base or precious metals, such as gold or platinum group elements (Drobe et al., 2021, Kraemer et al., 2015, Syed, 2012), while the number of …


ndida at a glance We operate and own 57.5% of the ndida mine, a joint venture with Rio Tinto (30%) and Japan-based JECO Corp (12.5%). ndida's two pits feed three concentrator plants, as well as two leaching operations …

Smelting and Refining Copper in Chile: The …

This work aims to illustrate the importance of local pollutants in the copper smelting and refining process. While there is a benefit to the global atmosphere of smelting and refining all copper in Chile, as shown by Sturla et al. (2020), it is necessary to take into

Copper Processing: The Quest for Efficiency at Scale

Copper processing operations are some of the most water and energy-intensive within the mining industry that, as a whole, is responsible for 11% of worldwide energy usage, according to the World Bank's 2020 Minerals for Climate Action report. ... To put that into perspective, in 2019, 23.6 TWh of electricity was used in Chile for copper ...

Chile's Cochilco raises 2024, 2025 copper price estimates

The Chilean Copper Commission (Cochilco) on Thursday raised its average copper price estimates for both this year and next. Cochilco now sees average copper prices this year at $4.30/lb, from $3. ...

Chuquicamata Copper Mine, Chile

Copper reserves at Chuquicamata. The proven copper ore reserves at Chuquicamata mine are estimated at 751 million tonnes (mt), grading 0.79% copper with a fine …

BHP inaugurates a new copper concentrator in Spence …

The project supports BHP's intention to continue growing in Chile while strengthening its global copper portfolio. The new plant was built with more than 12 thousand workers and total investment reached US$2,460 million. ... In addition, during the construction process – which lasted 1,180 days – more than 12,000 workers were employed and ...