flotation, centrifugation, gravity belt, and rotary drum [1]. ... then make a mass balance Cu.Hu = Co.Ho, calculate Hu from: 5. Draw a horizontal line from Hu until it intersects with the tangent line and determine t u. This is the time required to reach an underflow concentration. 6. Determine the area required for thickening (At)

Flotation of PGM-containing minerals: Plant-wide regression …

3.3. Regression technique. Once the mass balance for the circuit had been set up, incorporating the kinetic flotation model in a multi-variable, non-linear unconstrained, weighted minimisation was performed to fit the flotation model constants.

Diagnosis and Optimization of Gold Ore Flotation …

Linear Circuit Analysis and Mass Balance Simulation ... The target flotation circuit is a beneficiation plant located in Haenam-gun, Jeollanam-do, Korea. The grinding and classification process of this plant was introduced by Lee et al. [29]. Currently, the throughput of this process is 170 t/d (7.08 t/h).

Flotation Circuit Optimization Using Modelling and …

The first action for this evaluation is to look at the raw data and perform a mass balance reconciliation. Figures 1 and 2 show an example of the reconciliation done for one case using data from a ...

Mass balancing of concentrator data

Mass balancing can be done for all process types covering laboratory tests, pilot plant runs and full scale mineral beneficiation plants. In this example the Vammala gold ore flotation plant in southern Finland was sampled for the …

On-Line Metallurgical Mass Balancing and Reconciliation …

1.4 Traditional Mass Balancing The accuracy of the measurements done on flotation circuits can be improved by applying mass balance in the circuit. Traditional mass balancing is usually defined as an optimization problem; the residual is minimized by adjusting the assay such that mass balance is fulfilled. In other words, mass balance is the

New approach for flotation process modelling and simulation

The overall mass balance in an industrial flotation cell typically considers the main three streams: feed, concentrate and tailings. In this case, no information on the collected mineral by true flotation as well as the entrainment and drop-back streams around the froth are available.

Mass balance and mineralogical analysis of flotation plant …

Mass balance and mineralogical analysis of flotation plant survey samples to improve plant metallurgy. Author links open overlay panel Zongfu Dai, Julie-Ann Bos, ... Enhancing the flotation of fine liberated Pn and Pn–Po binary particles in the scavenger circuit would potentially increase Ni recovery by 1%, if more than 50% of the free Pn and ...

Lecture 08 Mass Balancing

alance The concept of data reconciliation is to adjust measured process data and to estimate unmeasured ones (where possible), so that they fully satisfy the process constraints described by a process model. . Data Reconciliation and Mass Balance

How to do a Mass Balance in Spreadsheet – Excel

The "mass balance" is unquestionably the most common class of problems for the process engineer. Closely related, mathematically, is the "heat balance". Every ... Flotation Machines: High-Performance Equipment for …

Diagnosis and Optimization of Gold Ore Flotation Circuit via …

the LCA and mass balance analysis, the flotation process should be changed to the alter-native process of Case 1. Currently, th e plant has adopted the Case 1 proc ess. Figure 8.

Metallurgical Accounting Formulas

Have you been looking for a quick way how to calculate your flotation circuit's metal recovery? You have no concentrate weights all you have are metal. 911 Metallurgist is a trusted resource for practical insights, …

Diagnosis and Optimization of Gold Ore Flotation Circuit via …

Furthermore, it is expensive to configure and test multiple plant-scale flotation circuits [14,19,26,27]. Hence, the diagnosis and optimization of circuits via computer simulations have been proposed [12,14,16–19]. A general diagnostic and optimization model of the flotation process includes a mass balance model based on flotation kinetics [2 ...


This paper gives a procedure of operating plant material balance using Microsoft Excel Solver on Excel spreadsheet. Operating plant material balance purpose is to produce a picture of the state...

Flotation circuit

If you combine a density meter and a flow meter in the flotation feed and line of the final product of the flotation, this will allow a mass balance calculation and calculation of the efficiency of the …

AMIT 135: Lesson 2 Circuit Mass Balancing

Given the mass and component balance equations : F = C + R. Ff = Cc + Rr. Mass yield (Y) can be solved as a function of the stream, assays which yields the two-product formula: R = F- C. Ff = Cc + r (F – C) ... Lesson 5 Froth Flotation; …


The mass balance equations which define the flow rates of flotation species s of elements k and the structural parameters in a flotation plant are non-linear (Reuter et al., 1988), and must be linearised in order to use linear programming methods. This is


Water mass is the difference between pulp mass and solid mass. Water volume is the ratio of water mass on water specific gravity (1,000 kg/m 3 ). Solid volume is the difference between pulp volume ...

Design, Modeling, Optimization and Control of …

Gold flotation experiments are performed on samples of gold-bearing ore obtained from two deposits with conditions that simulate a continuous process. Technological advantages of this developed scheme and a flotation …

(PDF) Modelling Of Flotation Processes By Classical Mathematical

based on the mass balances with first order flotation kinetics. The key model assumptions are: ... The population-balance approach in flotation process macro-scale modelling was applied . also by ...

Mass balance of a hypothetical flotation process.

Download Table | Mass balance of a hypothetical flotation process. from publication: Evaluation of frothers based on properties of the solids/liquid/gas system | A methodology of selection of ...

Probabilistic methods for flotation circuit mass balance …

Flotation control and supervision allow flotation circuits to maintain target concentrate grades and plant recoveries. The decision-making required for effective supervision of flotation control systems (e.g., selection of targets, setpoints, and setpoint limits) is enhanced by up-to-date information on total and component mass flows throughout the circuit.

Common & Basic Formulas for Mineral …

Flotation. To estimate the number of cells required for a flotation operation in which: W—Tons of solids per 24 hours. R—Ratio by weight: solution/solids. L—Specific gravity, solution. S—Specific gravity, solids. …

Mineral processing plant data reconciliation including mineral mass

The objectives of this study are: (1) to propose a more efficient data reconciliation calculation algorithm for large size data set based on a hierarchical structure allowing an analytical solution for the ore mineral and/or chemical composition; (2) to apply the method to a simulated complex sulfide Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag ore flotation plant; (3) to compare the reconciled …

The Importance of %Mass Pull in a Flotation Circuit | What is Flotation …

The proper/ideal flotation reagent needs to be selective and aims at putting the correct metals in the correct concentrates and maximize specific revenues. More mass can kill you! Why is %Mass Recovery/Pull important. Comparing Hydroxamate Collectors. Copper Oxide Flotation. Flotation of Oxide. Naturally Floating Gold. Flotation Without Sulphidizer

Mass balance and mineralogical analysis of flotation plant …

Mass balance and mineralogy analysis of Thompson Mill survey samples identified that the major diluent of Ni concentrate was Po that was primarily from the rougher cleaner concentrate. The main Ni loss occurred in the −C5 fraction of the scavenger tails and scavenger cleaner tails as liberated Pn particles.

Flotation stabilization and optimization

limitation, flotation operators attempt flotation optimization by changing level setpoints and sometimes aeration rate setpoints to increase or decrease concentrate mass flow rates. However, is the choice of these setpoints correct? If the choice of these setpoints causes the mass balance and the flows to be properly controlled at optimum ...

A Useful Technique for Metallurgical Mass Balances …

The mechanism of mass-balance stabilization for a bank of flotation cells is examined. In view of the particular equations involved in seeking to solve the problem by …

Flotation Material Balancing Excel Solver: Mass Balance …

Here is a procedure of how to do balancing for an operating flotation circuit using Microsoft Excel Solver on Excel spreadsheet. An example solving a copper concentrator flotation circuit is presented and the process flow diagram is given below.