No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
No. 1688, Gaoke East Road, Pudong new district, Shanghai, China.
production of artificial aggregate, some binder is needed to bond with rice husk ash and form a hard-solid block. Ordinary Portland cement was used as a binder. 2.2 Mould and Tools Two wooden frame type moulds were used for artificial aggregate production. The moulds were 1ft x
As the demand for nonrenewable natural resources, such as aggregate, is increasing worldwide, new production of artificial aggregate should be developed. Artificial lightweight aggregate can bring ...
Lightweight concrete manufactured from artificial aggregates or natural lightweight aggregate [2][3][4] [5] [6][7][8][9] has potential in the production of prefabricated concrete elements ...
Jiang Y, Ling TC (2020) Production of artificial aggregates from steel-making slag: influences of accelerated carbonation during granulation and/or post-curing. J CO2 Util l36:135–144. Google Scholar Kayali O, Flashag-New lightweight aggregate for high strength and durable concrete.
Lightweight artificial aggregates (LWAs) are defined as granular and porous materials with a bulk density of less than 1200 kg/m 3 or a particle density of less than 2000 kg/m 3 (UNE-EN-13055-1, 2003).It is generally produced by sintering clay, shale and slate or solid wastes, such as sewage sludge, fly ash, etc., at high temperatures over 1000 °C (Chiou et al., …
As the demand for nonrenewable natural resources, such as aggregate, is increasing worldwide, new production of artificial aggregate should be developed. Artificial lightweight aggregate can bring advantages to the construction field due to its lower density, thus reducing the dead load applied to the structural elements. In addition, application of artificial …
Recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is produced by crushing and sorting waste concrete. According to the particle size, RCA is classified as fine or coarse. Many treatment …
Four types of artificial aggregates have been produced by varying the proportions of fly ash and cement as 90:10, 85:15, 80:20, and 75:25. The physicomechanical …
Lightweight artificial aggregates (LWAs) are defined as granular and porous materials with a bulk density of less than 1200 kg/m 3 or a particle density of less than 2000 kg/m 3 (UNE-EN-13055-1, 2003). It is generally produced by sintering clay, shale and slate or solid wastes, such as sewage sludge, fly ash, etc., at high temperatures over 1000 °C (Chiou et al., …
Artificial aggregates are produced by allowing powder materials to agglomerate to form ball-like rounded pellets by sprinkling the optimum quantum of liquid in the pelletizer. …
Production of different artificial aggregates from various sources involves various methods. The primary focus is integration of the reduced residue to any definite predetermined size for their targeted production. After the process of agglomeration through pelletisation, the new post-processed pellets ...
The excessive use of natural aggregates raises mining activity. Further, it leads to environmental damage, which can be reduced using artificial aggregates produced from waste powdered materials. This study discussed the production process of alkali-activated artificial coarse aggregates and how their use affects the behavior of concrete. The different concrete …
The production of lightweight aggregate based on waste is an important step towards sustainable and ecological construction. It contributes to reducing the negative impact of the construction sector on the environment by reducing the consumption of natural raw materials and reducing waste of various origins, including rubble concrete. The physical and mechanical …
This experimental cum research exploration is focused on the production of artificial aggregates with an adoption of pelletization technique. The influential factors for ascertaining the ...
In order to improve the reuse of solid waste generated in construction production, artificial aggregates consisting of by weight of construction solid waste, including concrete slurry waste (CSW) and waste brick masonry powder (WBMP), were produced. This study investigated the possibility of mixing CSW as a substitute for commercial binder ...
Production of Artificial Aggregates Using Industrial … 385 producing 210 million tonnes in 2010, which was 6% of global production. In our country, the per capita usage of cement is very low compared to the other developed
Production and Utilisation of Artificial Coarse Aggregate in Concrete - a Review. George K George 1 and P Revathi 2. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 936, International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Structures 2020 (ICMMS2020) 14-15 July 2020, Kerala, India …
Compared to natural aggregates, artificial aggregates prepared by solid waste can reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry, reduce production costs, and improve the quality of ...
This experimental cum research exploration is focused on the production of artificial aggregates with an adoption of pelletization technique. The influential factors for ascertaining the efficiency of the production process are nature of binding agent, required moisture content, process duration and dosage of alkali binder.
Therefore, this article proposes a method of obtaining artificial lightweight aggregate consolidated using two methods: drum and dynamic granulation. Hardening was …
Cleaner production of artificial stone aggregates from industrial waste is an alternative to natural stone aggregates. Although earlier studies have reported the use of artificial aggregates, a ...
The widespread use of natural aggregates is one of the main causes of the depletion of natural resources, as aggregates are constituents of several construction materials. Alternatively, it is, today, proven to be feasible to use mining tailings, either natural or recycled materials, to produce artificial aggregates through specific processes. A possible way to …
Artificial aggregates are made up of waste materials, such as fly ash, husks, or volcanic form and ground granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBS) [21] Various types of lightweight aggregate have been ...
Crushing: The crushing method of hardened alkali-activated pastes is the most suitable for the large-scale production of artificial aggregates in practical manufacturing. In a recent study (Xu et al., 2021b), the crushing procedure for producing CB-AAA was reported in detail. It is good to mention that crushing is also the common method for ...
Accelerated carbonation is envisaged to be a significant curing method for the development of cement-free artificial aggregates. In this paper, two accelerated carbonation approaches, applied during granulation and post-curing respectively, are investigated for their influences on the properties of the aggregates made by 100 % basic oxygen furnace slag …
The factory that manufactured LECA has three lightweight aggregate production lines with a total capacity of 750,000 cubic meters per year . ... The artificial aggregate that was made up of fly ash by using the cold bonding method had a specific gravity of 1.63 as compared to normal coarse aggregate at 2.71 .
In order to mitigate the destruction of land topography and the concerns with natural aggregate shortage, the production of artificial aggregates has progressively been a popular topic in recent years with the advantages of utilizing industrial waste and by-products. A study used the maximum quantity of fly ash and minimal cement to produce ...
In 2010, a second company, O.C.O. Technologies (formerly Carbon8 Aggregates) was formed by the directors of Carbon8 Systems to develop the industrial-scale application of ACT in the UK for the commercial …
In order to improve the reuse of solid waste generated in construction production, artificial aggregates consisting of by weight of construction solid waste, including concrete slurry waste ...
The production of artificial lightweight coarse aggregate using fly ash has potential for its large-scale utilization in the construction industry and this is an area that merits attention in many ...