STM Lime

STM Plant is suitable to produce several types of Precipitated Calcium Carbonate Plants products presenting different kind of fineness.

Customize Suitable Calcium Carbonate Plant | DASWELL

The core part of calcium carbonate plant, the grinding mills of Daswell, whether ball mills with classifier or wet grinding mills, can produce ground calcium carbonate powder in various …

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate

Precipitated calcium carbonate is produced by slaking high-calcium quicklime to create a calcium hydroxide lime slurry, (Ca(OH) 2), that is then combined with captured carbon dioxide (CO 2). …

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate (PCC)

PCC stands for precipitated calcium carbonate. It is a manufactured form of calcium carbonate produced under exacting conditions in order to obtain crystals of the proper shape, size and physical characteristics required for a host of complex applications.

Precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC)

Our product portfolio ranges from limestones to calcium oxide and calcium dihydroxide to ready-to-use milk of lime with high chemical purity and precisely defined physical properties. As a …

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate

PrecipitatedCalcite Technology Group (PCTG) can design and support its customers by offering expertise in building custom PCC (Precipitated Calcium Carbonate) plant and transferring …

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate | Carmeuse Systems

Precipitated calcium carbonate is primarily used as a filler to add volume, improve opacity and dimensional stability, and improve printability of the paper. The use of fillers also reduces the …

PCC plants

The first industrial production of P.C.C. (Precipitated Calcium Carbonate) dates back to the beginning of the eighteenth century in England. Only in the last thirty years, however, there …

Precipitated Calcium Carbonate, Nano grade Precipitated …

Precipitated calcium carbonate, known for its small particles and lightweight characteristics, finds extensive use in industries such as plastics, rubber, and paints to enhance product mechanical …


The brand CALPREC® includes different grades of the best quality Precipitated Calcium Carbonate and is used in multi-sectoral chemical formulations.